
McGovern Medical School Employee Relations Committee Bylaws

As of October 11, 2017

Article I: Name of the Body

The body known as McGovern Medical School Employee Relations Committee shall hereinafter be referred to as the ERC.

Article II: Mission Statement

The purpose of the ERC is to improve the working environment and morale of the employees of the Medical School through effective communication, recognition, education, and events.

Article III: Membership

A. Active / Inactive Member
Member remains in Active status as long as the member attends one or more regularly scheduled monthly meetings, and/or responds to email communications when a response is mandated and volunteers to work one or more ERC events each calendar year.  A member’s status will change to Inactive when a member has not attended meetings and/or participated in email communications and has not volunteered to work an ERC event for an entire calendar year.

B. Eligibility of Membership
Any employee of the McGovern Medical School is eligible to be a member of the ERC and may remain a member for as long as he/she is an active member.

C. Loss of Membership
If it is brought to the attention of the President that a member has been inactive for one (1) fiscal year without prior notice, the President (or an appointee) will remove their name from the ERC Roster.

D. Restoration of Membership
Restoration of Membership for members who are removed from the ERC Roster due to Inactive status can be achieved by submitting a request to return to Active Member status in writing to a current ERC Officer, followed by attending a regularly scheduled monthly meeting and working an ERC event.  Once all three items occur in the same calendar year, the volunteer will be added to the ERC Roster as an Active Member.  Removals for other reasons than inactivity will be reviewed by ERC officers prior to restoration of membership.

Article IV: Committees

A. Communications Committee
Duties of the Communications Committee include, but are not limited to maintaining or supervising the maintenance of the ERC Website, public relations (PR) releases to the McGovern Medical School Communications department(e.g., DNA Templates, Scoop announcements), coordination of information distribution to the McGovern Medical School, and general PR responsibilities.  Communications Committee reports to the President-Elect.

B. ERC Member Relations Committee
Duties of the ERC Member Relations Committee include, but are not limited to notifying ERC concerning member significant personal events (e.g. Members’ Birthdays & member reported events will be recognized), creating volunteer recruitment activities, creating recruitment flyers for the Communications Committee, organizing recruitment events, and updating membership roster.   ERC Member Relations Committee reports to the Secretary.

C. Toner Recycling Committee
Duties of the Toner Recycling Committee include, but are not limited to maintaining and/or supervising the Toner Recycling drop off locations including setting up contacts, ordering supplies and communications with recycling partners, i.e., TODAYS Solutions, McGovern Medical School (MMS), Conference Operations and University Classified Staff Council (UCSC).  Create quarterly report showing all non-MMS buildings with totals to present to the President-elect to deliver to UCSC.  The Toner Recycling Committee reports to the Vice President.

D. Event Committees
Duties of the Event Committees include, but are not limited to organizing and supervising specific ERC events scheduled throughout the year.  Organization includes recruiting volunteers, creating event flyer, submitting event announcement templates to Communications Committee, submitting Solicitation Form, reserving space, holding pre-event sessions and overseeing workflow on event day.  The Event Committees report to the Treasurer.

E. Blood Drive Committee
Duties of the Blood Drive Committee included, but are not limited to overseeing and acting as liaison on behalf of vendors for the Blood Drive events.   The Blood Drive Committee members will be familiar with the McGovern Medical School Blood Drive Policy.  Committee will work directly with the Blood Drive vendors to assure that space has been officially reserved, the Blood Drive Policy is followed and committee volunteers  are scheduled oversee events ensuring that all policies are adhered to including setup and tear down procedures.  The Blood Drive Committee reports to the President.

F. Ad hoc Committees
The President of the ERC may appoint ad hoc committees on an as needed basis.  Ad hoc committees report to the President.

Article V: Meetings

A. Regular
Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at noon.

B. Special
Special meetings may be called by the President as needed.

Article VI: Officers of the ERC

A. President
Duties of the President include, but are not limited to, presiding at meetings, calling meetings, appointing members to ad hoc committees, approving minutes, officer elections, and otherwise facilitating and directing the affairs of the ERC.  If the President-Elect is unable to accept the President position at the end of the term, the members have the option to request the current President continue for another term OR hold a separate election for the President’s position to be held in October of election years.  The President oversees the Event Sub Committees and the Blood Drive Committee.

B. President- Elect
Duties of the President-Elect include, but are not limited to, presiding at meetings, calling meetings, appointing members to ad hoc committees, approving minutes, and otherwise facilitating and directing the affairs of the ERC. The President-Elect will become the new President when the current President completes his/her term of office.  The President-Elect will act on behalf of MMS ERC as liaison with the University Classified Staff Council (UCSC) by attending quarterly UCSC meetings and deliver quarterly toner recycling reports to UCSC.  If the President-Elect is unable to accept the President position at the end of the term, the members have the option to request the current President for another term OR hold a separate election for the President’s position to be held in October of election years.  The President-Elect oversees the Communications Committee.

C. Vice-President
Duties of the Vice President include, but are not limited to, presiding at meetings and otherwise carrying out the duties of the President in his/her absence. Will assist in coordinating events throughout the term of office.  The Vice-President oversees the Toner Recycling Committee.

D. Secretary
Duties of the Secretary include, but are not limited to recording and distributing the minutes of the ERC. Will assist in coordinating events throughout the term of office. Will also maintain a membership roster, keep a record of ERC events, and supply needed information to committees, sends out meeting invites and reminders.  The Secretary oversees the Volunteer Recruitment Committee.

E. Treasurer
Duties of the Treasurer include, but are not limited to providing monthly treasurer’s reports of income and expenditures of ERC funds. The Treasurer will assist in coordinating events throughout the term of office. Will also make deposits, handle reimbursements to vendors and procure change as needed for fundraiser sales events.  Manage disbursements of toner recycling rewards to MMS ERC for MMS site locations and UCSC for non-MMS site locations.  MMS ERC will donate additional funds of a minimum $25 to a maximum $100 annually to UCSC based on total MMS ERC rewards.

F. President-Mentor
The ‘leaving’ President will remain active as the President-Mentor for a one (1) year term to guide (counsel) the new President.   This position will not have any other duties/responsibilities assigned beyond mentoring incoming President.  At end of the one year term, the President-Mentor will return to an ERC Volunteer status.

Article VII: Election of Officers, Term of Office, Vacancies

A. Election of Officers
The ERC President will organize and hold elections every two years in November for Officer Positions.  The President will not nominate or vote during election of Officers.  The new officers elected will be announced during December at the ERC Annual Holiday Luncheon. Membership is polled for nominations for each elected office; President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The nominees are contacted for their agreement to serve if elected. Ballots are then emailed to each active ERC member and returned to the President or a designated individual to tabulate the results. Terms for the new officers will begin immediately after the December’s ERC Annual Holiday Luncheon each voting year.

B. Terms and Term Limits of Office
Officers are elected to serve a two-year term, with term limits of three consecutive terms (maximum total of six consecutive years) except the President’s position which is required to continue as the President-Mentor for one year following end of term (maximum total of eight consecutive years).  After one year off, a past officer may be permitted to run for a new term.  Each officer is required to Chair at least one ERC event each calendar year.  Event selections will be made at the 1st meeting of newly elected officers.  If a conflict occurs during selection, similar event selections will be drawn to create a fair and equal process.  If a Chair is unable to complete their tasks for a given event, the Chair is responsible for finding a replacement Chair to continue the Chair’s responsibilities for the event. Each officer will make every effort to attend all monthly meetings and special meetings called by the President.

C. Absentees
If officer(s) misses five (5) or more regularly scheduled monthly meetings during a calendar year, removal of the officer title to active member status may occur.  If removed from office, remaining officers will select a replacement for the remainder of the said term.

D. Vacancies
President – the President Elect assumes the remaining term. President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, – an election will be held to select a replacement for these offices.

Article VIII: Amendments & Adoptions

Proposed amendments to these Bylaws are submitted to the President in writing and must be presented at one initial meeting. They may be adopted at the next regular, special meeting, or by e-mail to all members, by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote, provided a quorum is present. Amendments take effect immediately upon adoption.

Article IX: Quorum

A quorum requires all ERC officers (except President-Mentor) and a minimum of fifteen (15) percent of active members to qualify voting on proposed amendments and adoptions.