Biopsy Submission


Biopsy Submission Information

  1. Prostate Biopsies:
    With each specimen, please submit the relevant clinical history, including the PSA values. Specialized kits with pre-bar-coded cassettes or formalin containers are available upon request. 
  2. Bladder, Kidney or Penile Biopsies:
    With each specimen, please submit the relevant clinical history (you may attach a copy of the clinical summary). Please also attach a copy of the latest lab results (a copy of the actual reports please).
  3. Urine:
    Specialized kits for cytologic examination and FISH are available upon request.

Accompanying Paperwork:

Each biopsy and/or urine sample must be accompanied by a completed UTPath Diagnostic Request Form. The form must have the patient’s name, date of birth, hospital account number, and surgical pathology number, as well as the attending physician’s name, type of specimen submitted, date of biopsy, and clinical data. Specific instructions for billing should also be provided on the UT Request Forms.

Packing and Shipping:

Ensure that both vials are capped tightly. Label each vial appropriately. Place the vials in the pouch. Roll up the pouch and place it in the plastic container. Cap the large transport container tightly and wrap in bubble wrap. Put it in the box along with the requisition form. Seal the front of the box with the “Biological Substance Category B” label. Place the kit into the Fed Ex bag and call for pick up. Please call 1-855-4UTPATH.