UTHealth Houston/MD Anderson Integrated Cardiothoracic Surgery Fellowship Receives Initial ACGME Accreditation

March 21, 2024

Integrated Cardiothoracic Surgery Fellowship Receives Inititial ACGME accreditation

We are pleased to announce that our Integrated Cardiothoracic Surgery Fellowship, a collaboration between UTHealth Houston and MD Anderson Cancer Center, has been granted initial accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).

This accreditation, achieved through a rigorous peer review process, establishes national standards for educational programs like ours, ensuring that physicians in training receive the best possible education and experience.

By adhering to the established standards and guidelines set forth by the ACGME, our fellowship program strives to provide fellows with a comprehensive and enriching training experience. Through continual assessment and evaluation, we aim to continuously enhance the quality of education and prepare fellows for successful careers in cardiothoracic surgery.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all involved in achieving this accreditation. Together, we can lead the new generation of heart care.