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UTHealth Houston Heart & Vascular Basic Science

Basic Science and Biomedical Engineering

UTHealth Houston Heart & Vascular Translational Research

Translational Research

UTHealth Houston Heart & Vascular Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials

Advancing discoveries in cardiovascular diseases

UTHealth Houston Heart & Vascular is at the forefront of cardiovascular research, with a team of renowned physician-scientists who are actively involved in exploring new frontiers in heart and vascular treatments and therapies.

Through our robust research programs, we strive to uncover groundbreaking insights, identify novel treatment approaches, and contribute to scientific knowledge that will shape the future of cardiovascular medicine.


Why choose UTHealth Houston for clinical trials?

Clinical trials are controlled research studies offering advanced therapies and treatments that can help you, and future generations, live longer and healthier lives. They provide hope by offering testing of new drugs, surgical techniques, or other treatments before they are widely available. UTHealth Houston offers:

  • Convenient access to today’s most promising therapies and treatments
  • High quality patient care with world-renowned physician-scientists
  • Alternative solutions when conventional therapies fail
  • Opportunities to play an active role in your health care while participating in research to help future generations
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Our vision

UTHealth Houston Heart & Vascular - CareUTHealth Houston researchers drive groundbreaking advancements in science every day with their discoveries. Whether it unfolds in the lab, the clinic, or in the community, our efforts are pushing the boundaries to enhance health for all Texans and beyond.

How do we achieve this? Through collaborative efforts across diverse disciplines and partnerships spanning the globe. Our resources and culture foster ambitious innovation, resulting in significant breakthroughs in all aspects of heart and vascular health.