Active Clinical Trials

Aortic Valve Studies

NCT Number / ID NumberStudy NameSponsorStudy PopulationPrincipal InvestigatorStudy ContactStudy Length
NCT03735667ACURATE IDEBoston ScientificAll risk, symptomatic, severe ASAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes10 years
NCT04415047ALIGN-ARJenaValve Technology, Inc.High risk, symptomatic, severe ARSukhdeep Basra, MDChandni Patel5 years
NCT05172960ALLIANCEEdwards LifesciencesSymptomatic, severe ASAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes10 years
NCT05172973ALLIANCE AVIVEdwards LifesciencesHigh Risk, symptomatic, severe ASSukhdeep Basra, MDChandni Patel
NCT05932615ENVISIONAbbott Medical DevicesIntermediate or low risk for open surgical aortic valve replacementAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes3 years
NCT05295628EMBLOKInnovative Cardiovascular SolutionsAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes2 years
NCT02677974ONXCryoLifePatients with recent On-X Aortic Prosthetic Heart ValveRobert Hetz, MDMadiha Hassan12 years
NCT04889872PROGRESSEdwards LifesciencesSymptomatic, moderate ASBiswajit Kar, MDChandni Patel10 years
NCT04618718PROTEMBO CProtembis GmbHAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes2 years


Coronary Artery Studies

NCT Number / ID NumberStudy NameSponsorStudy PopulationPrincipal InvestigatorStudy ContactStudy Length
NCT00756379CenturyUTHealth HoustonSuspected or known coronary artery diseaseK. Lance Gould, MDClaudette Mitchell18 years
NCT05102019COSIRA-IINeovasc Inc.Symptomatic CAD, angina CCS 3 or 4, functionally limited due to anginaSalman A. Arain, MDAnna Menezes5 years
NCT03947619DTU-STEMIAbiomedAcute anterior STEMI with ≥2 mm in 2 or more contiguous anterior leads or ≥ 4 mm total ST segment deviation sum in the anterior leads V1-V4 and anterior wall motion abnormality noted on a diagnostic quality left ventriculogram or ECGSachin Kumar, MD and Marwan Jumean, MDChandni Patel10 years
NCT04763200PROTECT IVAbiomedCCS or NSTEMI with an LVEF ≤40%, baseline left ventricular function: Either 2A or 2BSachin Kumar, MD and Marwan Jumean, MDChandni Patel5 years


Mitral Valve Studies

NCT Number / ID NumberStudy NameSponsorStudy PopulationPrincipal InvestigatorStudy ContactStudy Length
NCT03242642APOLLOMedtronicAll risk, symptomatic, moderate to severe or severe MRRichard Smalling, MD, PhDAnna Menezes5 years
NCT03706833CLASP IID/IIFEdwards LifesciencesIID - Prohibitive risk, symptomatic, severe DMR IIF - All risk, symptomatic, severe FMRAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes5 years
NCT04198870REPAIR MRAbbottModerate risk, symptomatic, severe DMRRichard Smalling, MD, PhDAnna Menezes10 years
NCT03433274SUMMITAbbottAll risk, symptomatic, moderate to severe or severe MRSukhdeep Basra, MDChandni Patel5 years
NCT04153292ENCIRCLEEdwards LifesciencesMR ≥ 3+, NYHA functional class ≥ IIBiswajit Kar, MDChandni Patel10 years


Tricuspid Valve Studies

NCT Number / ID NumberStudy NameSponsorStudy PopulationPrincipal InvestigatorStudy ContactStudy Length
NCT04482062TRISCEND IIEdwards LifesciencesAll risk, symptomatic, severe TRAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes5 years
NCT04097145CLASP II TREdwards LifesciencesModerate or greater risk, symptomatic, severe TRAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes5 years


Lung Studies

NCT Number / ID NumberStudy NameSponsorStudy PopulationPrincipal InvestigatorStudy ContactStudy Length
NCT05050955ALAMOCareDx≤ 90 days post-LungCare™ transplantRahat Hussain, MDChandni Patel6 years
NCT05415137Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous Efzofitimod in Patients with Pulmonary SarcoidosisaTyr Pharma6+ month symptomatic history of pulmonary sarcoidosis and MRC dyspnea scale grade of at least 1 and KSQ-Lung score ≤70Rahat Hussain, MDChandni Patel3 years
NCT04708782TETONUnited Therapeutics≥40 years of age, diagnosis of IPF, FVC ≥45% predicted at screeningRahat Hussain, MDChandni Patel4 years


Stroke Prevention

NCT Number / ID NumberStudy NameSponsorStudy PopulationPrincipal InvestigatorStudy ContactStudy Length
NCT04226547CATALYSTAbbottDocumented afib at high risk for stroke (CHA2DS2-VASc score of ≥3)Abhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes5 years
NCT05119179OCCLUFLEXOcclutechPFO positive with cryptogenic stroke at any point in the pastAbhijeet Dhoble, MDAnna Menezes5 years
NCT03309332PFO PASAbbottPFO positive with cryptogenic stroke in the past 547 daysRichard Smalling, MD, PhDAnna Menezes5 years


Vascular and Endovascular Studies

NCT Number / ID NumberStudy NameSponsorStudy PopulationPrincipal InvestigatorStudy ContactStudy Length
NCT02622542ACUTE-BUTHealth HoustonDiagnosed with uncomplicated ABADHarleen K Sandhu, MD, MPHHarleen K Sandhu, MD, MPH8 years
NCT02380716ARISEW.L. Gore & AssociatesTreatment of DeBakey Type I/II aortic dissections with the GORE® Ascending Stent GraftAnthony Estrera, MDMadiha Hassan9 years
NCT01937949Complex Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair With Fenestrated Stent GraftsGustavo Oderich, MDJuxtarenal, suprarenal or type IV thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with a diameter ≥ 5.0 cm or 2 times the normal aortic diameter, aneurysm with a history of growth ≥ 0.5 cm per yearGustavo Oderich, MDSafa Savadi Osgouei, MD8 years
NCT02089607Complex Abdominal, TAAA, Aortic Arch Aneurysm or Dissections with Fenestrated/​Branched Stent GraftCook MedicalThoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with a diameter ≥ 5.5 cm or 2 times the normal aortic diameter, aneurysm with a history of growth ≥ 0.5 cm per year.Gustavo Oderich, MDSafa Savadi Osgouei, MD6 years
NCT05442489TAMBEW.L. Gore & AssociatesAortic aneurysm involving the visceral vessels: Fusiform aneurysm diameter ≥ 5 cm Saccular aneurysm (no diameter requirement) Rapid aneurysm growth (≥ 5 mm in one year)Naveed Saqib, MDMadiha Hassan
NCT03536312TITAN:SvSOttawa Heart Institute Research CorporationAscending aortic aneurysmAnthony Estrera, MDChandni Patel8 years


Other Studies

NCT Number / ID NumberStudy NameSponsorStudy PopulationPrincipal InvestigatorStudy ContactStudy Length
NCT05064709AIM HIGHerImpulse DynamicsDiagnosed with symptomatic heart failure,
LVEF ≥40 and ≤60%
Marwan Jumean, MDChandni Patel4 years
NCT04331769CORCINCH-HFAncora HeartEjection Fraction: ≥20% and ≤40% and LV end-diastolic diameter ≥55 mm measured TTEMarwan Jumean, MDChandni Patel10 years
NCT05069558Pharmacogenetics of the Response to GLP-1 in Mexican-Americans with PrediabetesUTHealth HoustonDr. Absalon GutierrezJoseph. B. McCormick, MD/a>4 years
NCT03773575PREVENAThomas Jefferson UniversityPatients undergoing above-the-knee or below-the-knee amputationRana Afifi, MDMadiha Hassan5 years
NCT05017935RADIANCE CAPReCor MedicalDocumented hypertension, BP ≥140/90Konstantinos Charitakis, MDAnna Menezes5 years