Program Overview

Please note the following on your calendar

 2025 Program Dates:  May 27 thru August 1

Holidays: May 26, June 19 and July 4


The Program

During the summer of 2024 between your first and second years of medical school you will gain hands-on experience working on a research project (10-week, 40 hours/week) under the supervision of a faculty mentor. At the completion of the program, you will submit a research abstract for publication in our online abstract book and develop a poster to be presented at the Summer Research Program (SRP) annual Research Forum held in the fall.


A MS1 student in good academic standing* may now be supported either:

  1. with a Dean’s Office contribution of $2,500 coupled with a mandatory faculty contribution of at least $1,500, for a total summer stipend of $4,000
    or, as previously
  2. exclusively by faculty support (a minimum of $2,000 is suggested)

A SRP faculty review committee will select up to 60 students to receive Dean’s Contribution Funds (DCF) based on the merit of the student’s research proposal.

*Who is Eligible?

To receive the Dean’s Contribution Funds (DCFs), students MUST be in good academic standing at the time of application and at the start of the program (Orientation Day).  Good academic standing is when a student is not in remediation.  If a student’s remediation date is after the program start date, the student is not eligible to participate in SRP until remediation has resolved.   

Students in remediation should seek the guidance of advisors in OASA and [email protected].

To Apply

Students should complete an online application form starting December 1st of each year.  You may independently identify and approach faculty with whom you are interested in conducting research.  Application deadline: February 1st.

What if I missed the DCFs deadline?  Can I participate in SRP if the application is submit after the deadline?
This deadline is for those who are competing for the Dean’s Contribution Funds (DCFs).  After this date, you won’t be able to be considered for the DCF.

Students submitting an online application after the DCF deadline, you may still apply to participate in SRP and receive blue book credit upon fulfilling all SRP requirements.  Deadline for all others is March 1st – NO EXCEPTIONS.

You may request funding from your mentor or mentor’s department.

For more information, contact Linh Trinh, Senior Program Manager, Medical Student Research Office, JJL 315B,
713-500-5105 or [email protected]


Website updates as of 3/28/2025