Residency Research

Each resident will complete the following steps along the way to completing their research project.

Preliminary Project Approval: Midway through their PGY1 year, each resident will submit their research project proposal to the Resident Research Committee. A large variety of projects and subjects are acceptable as a research project. One goal of this requirement is to have a manuscript submitted and accepted for publication by the completion of the residency training. Each resident project will identify a primary faculty advisor for the project, who must approve the project prior to submission to the Resident Research Committee.  The project proposal must include a description of the project that includes the hypothesis, summary of previous research in the topic area, draft methods, proposed timeline and a bibliography.  The literature search must support the importance and novelty of their study.

Submit manuscript: Manuscripts reviewed by all co-authors must be submitted to the target journal by the middle of the PGY4 year.  The resident must be able to address reviewer concerns and resubmit the manuscript prior to graduation.

A panel consisting of faculty and research staff will act as referees for the defense of the project.

The residents will also present their projects annually for review at the Resident Research Committee meetings.

Due to the large number of ongoing research projects within the Department, each resident is strongly encouraged to become involved in a project during their first year in residency.  As projects are completed, the resident should become involved in other research in order to foster continued scholarly achievement.