Histology Laboratory

Histotech cutting embedded sampleComprehensive Histology Services

The UTPath Histology Laboratory offers expert histology services to support healthcare providers across Texas. We handle all aspects of specimen processing, including grossing, paraffin embedding, microtomy, and staining for routine biopsies and surgical resections.

Services Offered:

  • Routine Histology: We specialize in processing routine biopsies and surgical resections, offering comprehensive services that include:
    • Grossing
    • Processing
    • Paraffin Embedding
    • Microtomy
    • Histologic Staining
  • Immunohistochemical Staining: We provide a broad array of immunohistochemical (IHC) staining services, including uncommon markers.
  • Special Stains: We offer a variety of special stains to meet the specific needs of each case.
  • Specialized Tissue Processing: For kidney, heart, nerve, and muscle biopsies, visit our Special Tissues Laboratory.Person embedding tissue in paraffin.
At UTPath, we are committed to providing healthcare providers with dependable histology services to ensure the best patient care. We strive to meet your needs with precision and efficiency. Trust us to support your diagnostic efforts every step of the way.

Contact us:

  • For supplies or processing information: 713-500-5255 or [email protected]
  • For questions regarding Billing for Technical or Professional Component Only: 713-500-5401.

Laboratory Manager: Melissa Stephens, MS HTL(ASCP)

Requisition Form

Currently available IHC StainsSortSort
ACTHActin (MSA/Muscle Specific Actin)Adenovirus
Adhalin AE1/AE3 (CK AE1/AE3, Pankeratin) ALK-1 Protein (CD246)
ALK-1 D5F3Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)Alpha-1-Antitrypsin
Alpha-SynucleinAmyloid AAndrogen Receptor
Arginase-1ATRXB72.3 (TAG-72)
BAXBeta AmyloidBeta Catenin
Beta DystroglycanBCL-2BCL-6
C4dC5b9CA-125 (MUC 16)
CalcitoninCalretininCarbonic Anhydrase (CAIX)
CAM 5.2 (CK8)Caveolin-1Caveolin-3
CD8CD10CD15 (Leu-M1)
CD20CD21CD23 (FC Epsilon RII)
CD38CD43 (Leukosialin/Ly48)CD44
CD45 (LCA)CD56 (NCAM)CD57 (Leu7)
CD61 (Platelet Glycoprotein IIIa)CD68CD79a (MB-1)
CD99 (MIC2/Ewing’s Sarcoma)CD117 (c-kit)CD138 (Syndecan-1/SDC1)
CDX-2CEA (mono)CEA (poly)
Chromogranin ACK Pan (Pan-cytokeratin)CKHMW (34BE12)
CK5/6CK7 (K7/SCL)CK14
CK19 (K19)CK20Claudin 18
Collagen IIICollagen IVCollagen VI
COVID19 (Research Only)COX-2C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
C-termCyclin D1 (Bcl-1)Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
DysferlinDystrophin (N-terminus)E-Cadherin
EGFREmerinEpithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA)
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV-LMP)ERGEstrogen Receptor Alpha
Estrogen Receptor EP1 (88360)FABPFactor 8 Related Antigen
Factor 13aFast MyosinFSH
Gamma SarcoglycanGastrinGATA 3
GCDFP (BRST-2)GHGlial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP)
GlucagonGLUT-1Glutamine Synthetase
Glypican 3 (GPC3)H3K27MHelicobacter pylori
HBME-1HCGHepPar1 (Hepatocyte Specific Antigen)
Hepatitis B Core AntigenHepatitis B Surface AntigenHerpes Simplex Virus I&II (HSV)
HHV-8HSP70Human Melanoma (HMB45)
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)IDH1 p.R132HIgG
INI1 (BAF47)InsulinINSM1
KappaKi67Ki67 (88360)
LambdaLHMart-1 (Melan A)
MaspinMast Cell TryptaseMerosin
MHC-Type1Mid-Rod DystrophinMITF
MUC6MUM-1 (IRF4)Myeloperoxidase (MPO)
MyogeninMyoglobinMyosin Heavy Chain (SMMS-1)
Napsin ANestinNeu-N
Neurofilament (NF)NKX3.1NSE
N-CadherinNUT (C52B1)OCT 3/4
p16p27 (kip-1)p40
p53 BP-53-12-1 (BioGenix)p53 DO7p63
p504s (Racemase/AMARC)Pan TrkParvovirus
PIN Cocktail (p63 & p504s double stain)PgR/Progesterone ReceptorPgR 1294 (88360)
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase (PLAP)ProlactinProstate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP)PTH (Parathyroid Hormone)Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)
ROS1S100 ProteinS100P (S100 calcium-binding Protein P)
SMA Alpha (Smooth Muscle Actin)Sox10Spectrin
Spirochete (T. pallidum)STAT6SV-40 T Antigen
SynaptophysinTauTdt (DNTT)
ThyroglobulinThymidylate Synthase (TS)Topoisomerase II alpha (Topo IIa)
VillinVimentinWilms Tumor (WT1)
Currently available Special StainsSortSort
Acid Fast Bacteria (AFB)AFB, Fite Alcian Blue pH 2.5
Congo Red (Amyloid) Copper Diff-Quik
Elastic GMS Fungus GMS-Diastase
Gram Stain Hall’s Bilirubin (Bile) Iron
Iron, Colloidal Luxol Fast Blue Mucicarmine
PAS PAS-Diastase Reticulin
Trichrome Von Kossa (Calcium) Warthin-Starry
Jones SilverOil Red ONADH
Trichrome GomoriMyophosphorylaseCytochrome C
NSEATPase 4.3ATPase 4.6
ATPase 9.4Acid PhosphataseSDH

PharmDx Kits (FDA Approved):

    • Hercept Test (HER2 IHC)
    • PD-L1 22C3
    • Her-2-neu (FISH)

Chromogenic In-Situ Hybridization:

    • EVER-1 (Epstein Barr Virus/EBV)
    • HPV ISH (HR Cocktail+HPV16/18)
    • Kappa ISH
    • Lambda ISH

Specimen Submission Requirements:

    • Following collection, specimens should be immediately placed in 10% neutral buffered formalin in an appropriately sized container with a formalin to specimen ratio of 10:1.
    • Each separately identified specimen should be given its own container and labeled with patient identifiers, along with date, time, and site of collection.
    • Only one requisition is necessary per patient, but should list each individual specimen collected and the collection site. This information should match what is recorded on each specimen container.