Creating a Link to Request PDF Files

By Adnan Ahmad, Office of Communications
April 25, 2024

These instructions are meant to show you how to create a link that will open an email for a user to request a PDF file. The email can be pre-filled with the Recipient email and the Subject line. Below are the steps to set up the link:

  1. Add some text that specifies what the user is requesting. It is advised not to repeat the same piece of text for multiple different links or to make is sound general. Example: “Request 2024 Student Application PDF”
  2. Highlight the text and click on the Insert/edit link icon Icon for inserting and editing links in WordPress in the toolbar at the top of the text editor.
  3. A prompt will appear for you to add in a URL. Paste the following piece of code and make modifications where needed:


    Replace “your_email” and “your_subject_line” with your preferred email to send to and a subject line to help you easily see these emails in your inbox

    Example: 2024 Student Application

  4. Click the Apply button Icon to apply a link in WordPress once you have entered the URL