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Mariesa Janecka RN, BSN, CCM

Certified Clinical Case Manager
Bayshore Family Practice Center

The year 2020 was a very devastating year for so many, but it also provided us with the opportunity of self-reflection. I learned so many lessons and had the opportunity for personal growth. For me, 2020 reminded me be mindful of the Global Village, not just my little world. I saw how the virus decimated so many people. Never have I felt so helpless.

I realized that since I couldn’t fix the world, I needed to find a way to manage my emotions related to COVID. I was angry, sad, and anxious over the situation. I kept thinking, “Why can’t people just follow instructions and wear proper masks?” I needed to learn that I could not fix everything. Nurses are built to put Band-Aids on boo-boos! I learned I needed to find peace. I believe in the therapeutic power of mindfulness. I needed to practice mindfulness.

I have found my mindfulness activity – knitting. I have to concentrate on the pattern, so I can’t think about my COVID emotions. I practice relaxation breathing exercises and am finding peace.

I still feel sad and helpless, especially when I hear how my patients are suffering, but I am acknowledging that I can’t fix the world. I’m OK with that.

“For me, 2020 reminded me be mindful of the Global Village, not just my little world.”