Conversations from the Leather Lounge: Susan Nelson, M.D., ’84

December 18, 2015

Internal Medicine, University of Texas Affiliated Hospitals, Houston, TX 1984-1987
Chief resident, Internal Medicine, University of Texas Affiliated Hospitals, Houston, TX 1987-1988

Current Position: 
Medical Director, PACE Baton Rouge and PACE Lafayette
Medical Director, Senior Services
Chair, LaPOST Coalition, Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum


What is your fondest memory of your time at McGovern Medical School?

Planning the “Retreat” for the next year’s students with a great group of colleagues and all the activities in the “Leather Lounge”. I toured the students interviewing for medical school. It was great helping them see that McGovern Medical School really was the best place to go to medical school!

What are your hopes for today’s McGovern Medical School students?

My hopes are the students get the best education they can and they use that education to “do the best they can” for the patients we are fortunate to care for!

What inspires you?

Knowing that each of us can make a difference to one patient and their family AND that each of us can work to change the system for the better!

Who is your mentor?

I think of all the great mentors that I had at McGovern Medical School and my career—I know that I would not be where I am had Dr. Andreoli and the rest of the Department of Internal Medicine instilled a love of learning and doing what is right! Dr. George Sarosi’s recent writings in the Annals make me smile as I can see him teaching through that patient’s story!

What’s a day on the job like?

I am a geriatric and palliative medicine doc in Baton Rouge so I try to make each patient’s life the best it can be by relieving symptoms and improving their functional status. I also have an administrative role at FMOLHS where I work to improve the care of the elderly and those with serious advanced illness through education and system change-at the local, state and federal level. I am involved in advocacy including the development of LaPOST-the Louisiana Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (a POLST paradigm) and the education surrounding that model of care and the use of the document.

What skill is most vital to your job?

Never being satisfied that “all has been done”.

Who would you most like to meet (alive or deceased) and why?

Pope Francis as I believe he has the ability to help us see that we can work together to make a better world.

What has been your greatest adventure?

Practicing medicine over the last 30 years and all the patients and families I have cared for!

What are your three all-time favorite books/magazines/blogs for leisure reading?

I love action/spy/mysteries but nothing in particular. I find time to be in two book clubs a month!

What is your favorite word?

Can I change that to phrase???? There is always something we can do …….