Young Alumni

Young Alumni is a group encouraging those who have graduated within the past 10 years to connect with each other and to engage with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. We welcome those classes to lead and to be active participants by attending alumni events and volunteering with various programs.

There are several opportunities you can participate in such as programming. See below for more details.

Young Alumni programming:

Young Alumni Ambassador opportunities:

  • Mentoring : Mentor current McGovern Medical School students through one on one connections. You may also be asked to serve as a host, moderator or speaker for events with current students.
  • Events: This is a great opportunity to connect with other young alumni – work with the Alumni Engagement team by promoting and planning events.
  • Engagement and Communications: Help promote the young alumni program through word of mouth, social media/UTHealth Houston Alumni Community and more.
  • City Leader: If you aren’t in the Houston area, be a liaison in your city to help plan events and get in touch with alumni from that area.

Join our Young Alumni group on UTHealth Houston Alumni Community for the latest news and upcoming events.

We’re thrilled to welcome you into the Young Alumni group.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]