Eligibility and Criteria


Any alumnus/a graduate or housestaff, of McGovern Medical School may be nominated.


These are the criteria that are considered, but not all elements are required.

  • Contribution to medical education, science, and prevention;
  • Delivery of health services and community relations;
  • Service to organized medicine;
  • Academic excellence;
  • Service to the State of Texas and/or McGovern Medical School such as: (a) delivery of health services, (b) community works, and (c) community relations;
  • Amount of prestige brought to McGovern Medical School by being a graduate thereof;
  • Ongoing relationship with the McGovern Medical School since graduation, particularly efforts to promote the school and its interests;
  • Other outstanding achievements worthy of recognition by the school.

Questions? Contact Us!

Call Alumni Relations at 713.500.4900 or email ms.alumni@uth.tmc.edu