Lab Photos

Wu Lab lunch at Happy Lamb to reflect on the milestones and successes of 2024 at UTHealth. Let’s go, 2025! (Dec. 2024)

Wu Lab celebration on the approval of animal protocols at UTHealth Houston. (Oct. 2024)

The first official photo for the Wu Lab at UTHealth Houston. (July 2024)

Wu lab at Mayo last gathering. Thank you all, and look forward to the next chapter of Wu lab at UTHealth Houston! (Mar. 2024)

Wu lab celebrates Fiona’s PhD defense. Many congrats, Dr. Zheng! (Dec. 2023)

Wu lab with Dr. Virginia Lee. (Oct. 2023)

Farewell party for Min-Hee. Congrats, Min-Hee! (Aug. 2023)

Wu lab outing at Minnehaha Falls to celebrate multiple NIH funding! (Jun. 2023)

Wu lab New Year Celebration. Wish all have a wonderful 2023! (Dec. 2022)

Celebration for Wu Lab 10 years anniversary. (Aug. 2022)

Wu lab gathering for Manling’s PhD graduation. (July 2022)

Spring gathering and celebration for our new R01 and CBD grants. (Apr. 2022)

Thanksgiving party and celebration for Manling’s Nature Neuroscience paper. (Nov. 2021)

Farewell party for Yanlu, Priyanka, Mike, and Alex. (Aug. 2021)

Wu lab maskless gathering for the first time since the pandemic. (May 2021)

Wu Lab Brainstorm Symposium. Happy 2021! (Dec. 2020)

Best wishes for Yong’s new adventures! (June 2020)

Wu lab meeting during COVID-19. (Apr. 2020)

Wu lab 2019 Christmas party. (Dec. 2019)

Celebration for Yong’s Nature Neuroscience paper. (Sep. 2019)

Celebrate for the R01 renewal. (Jun. 2019)

Farewell party for Yujiao and Jia. (Mar. 2019)

Wu lab 2018 Christmas party. (Dec. 2018)

Farewell party for Eyo. (July 2018)

Farewell party for Jiyun. (May 2018)

Chinese New Year party and welcome party for Dr. Oh. (Feb. 2018)

Wu lab at Mayo first official photo. (Dec. 2017)

Wu Lab at Mayo with Lindsey from Scientifica. (Sep. 2017)

Farewell party for Lijie, Chika, and Stephen. (Apr. 2017)

Wu lab with Dr. Mark Mattson. (Apr. 2017)

Wu lab 2016 Christmas party. Merry Christmas! (Dec. 2016)

Wu lab with Dr. Vadim Bolshakov. (Oct. 2016)

Farewell party for Lijun. Thank you, Lijun! (July 2016)

Celebration for our first R21 grant. Congrats, Wu lab! (Mar. 2016)

Wu lab 2015 Christmas party. Merry Christmas! (Dec. 2015)

A celebration party at Madhu’s house. Congrats, Madhu and Bala! (Oct. 2015)

Wu lab farewell party for Daishi, Junli, Ashely and Ronen. (Jun. 2015)

Wu lab with Dr. Helmut Kettenmann. (Apr. 2015)

Wu lab 2014 Christmas party. Happy holidays! (Dec. 2014)

Wu lab with Seog Bae in SfN meeting at Washington DC. (Nov. 2014)

Celebration for our first research article in Journal of Neuroscience. (Aug. 2014)

Farewell party for Sri, Esha, and Bo. Congrats, guys! (July 2014)

Celebration for our first RO1 grant. Congrats, Wu lab! (May 2014)

Wu lab Christmas luncheon. Happy holidays! (Dec. 2013)

Farewell party for Harsh. Congrats, Harsh! (Aug. 2013)

Aparna’s birthday party. Happy Birthday, Aparna! (May 2013)

Wu Lab with Dale from Scientifica. Two-photon microscope is functional! (Feb. 2013)