Research Publications

  • O’Malley, JJ, Seibt, F, Chin, J and Beierlein, M (in press) TRPM4 conductances in thalamic reticular nucleus neurons generate persistent firing during slow oscillations. J. Neurosci.
  • Singer, A, Dutta, S, Lewis, E, Chen, Z, Chen, JC, Verma, N, Avants, B, Feldman, AK, O’Malley, J, Beierlein, M, Kemere, C, Robinson, JT (in press) Magnetoelectric materials for miniature, wireless neural stimulation at therapeutic frequencies. Neuron
  • Dasgupta, R, Seibt, F, and Beierlein, M. (2018) Synaptic release of acetylcholine rapidly suppresses cortical activity by recruiting muscarinic receptors in layer 4. Neurosci. 38, 5338-5350.
  • Hunt, AJ, Dasgupta, R, Rajamanickam, S, Jiang, Z, Beierlein, M, Chan, CS, and Justice, NJ (2018) Paraventricular hypothalamic and amygdalar CRF neurons synapse in the external globus pallidus. Brain Struct. Funct. 223, 2685-269.
  • Vitale, F, Vercosa, DG, Rodriguez, AV, Pamulapati, SS, Seibt, F, Lewis, E, Yan, JS, Badhiwala, K, Adnan, M, Royer-Carfagni, G, Beierlein, M, Kemere, C, Pasquali, H, and Robinson, JT (2018) Fluidic microactuation of flexible electrodes for neural recording. Nano Letters 18, 326-335.
  • Sun, Y-G*, Rupprecht, V*, Zhuo, L, Dasgupta, R, Seibt, M, and Beierlein, M. (2016) mGluR1 and mGluR5 synergistically control cholinergic synaptic transmission in the thalamic reticular nucleus. Neurosci. 36, 7886-7896.
  • Beierlein, M. (2014) Synaptic mechanisms underlying cholinergic control of thalamic reticular nucleus neurons. Physiol. (Review) 592, 4137-4145.
  • Pita-Almenar, JD, Yu, D, Lu, H-C, and Beierlein, M. (2014) Mechanisms underlying desynchronization of cholinergic-evoked thalamic network activity. Neurosci. 34, 14463-14474.
  • Sun, Y-G, Pita Almenar, JD, Wu, CS, Renger, JJ, Uebele, VN, Lu, H-C, and Beierlein, M. (2013) Biphasic cholinergic synaptic transmission in the thalamic reticular nucleus. Neurosci. 33, 2248-2259.
  • Sun, Y-G, Wu, C-S, Renger, JJ, Uebele, VN, Lu, H-C, and Beierlein, M. (2012) GABAergic synaptic transmission triggers action potentials in thalamic reticular nucleus neurons.  Neurosci. 32, 7782-7790.
  • Sun, Y-G, Beierlein, M. (2011) Receptor saturation controls short-term synaptic plasticity at corticothalamic synapses.  Neurophysiol. 105, 2319-2329.
  • Sun, Y-G, Wu, C-S, Lu, H-C, Beierlein, M. (2011) Target-dependent control of synaptic inhibition by endocannabinoids in the thalamus.   Neurosci.31, 9222-9230.
  • Myoga, M, Beierlein, M, Regehr, WG (2009) Somatic spikes regulate dendritic signaling in small neurons in the absence of backpropagating action potentials.  Neurosci.29, 7803-7814.
  • Beierlein, M., Fioravante, D., and Regehr, W.G. (2007) Differential expression of post-tetanic potentiation and retrograde signaling mediate target-dependent short-term synaptic plasticity. Neuron 54(6), 949-959.
  • Beierlein, M and Regehr, WG. (2006) Local interneurons regulate synaptic strength by retrograde release of endocannabinoids.  Neurosci.26, 9935-9943.
  • Beierlein, M and Regehr, WG. (2006) Brief bursts of parallel fiber activity trigger calcium waves in Bergmann glia.  Neurosci. 26, 6958-6967.
  • Gibson, JR, Beierlein, M, and Connors, BW. (2005) Functional properties of electrical synapses between inhibitory interneurons of neocortical layer 4.  Neurophysiol. 93, 467-480.
  • Martin, VV, Beierlein, M, Morgan, J, Rothe, A, and Gee, KR. (2004) Novel Fluo-4 analogs for fluorescent calcium measurements.  Cell Calcium 36, 509-514.
  • Beierlein, M, Gee, K.R, Martin, VV, and Regehr, WR. (2004) Presynaptic calcium measurements at physiological temperatures using a new class of dextran-conjugated indicators.   Neurophysiol. 92, 591-599.
  • Beierlein, M*, Gibson, JR*, and Connors, BW. (2003) Two dynamically distinct inhibitory networks in layer 4 of the neocortex.    Neurophysiol. 90, 2987-3000.
  • Beierlein, M, Fall, CP, Rinzel, J, and Yuste, R. (2002) Thalamocortical bursts trigger recurrent activity in neocortical networks: layer 4 as a frequency-dependent gate.  Neurosci. 22, 9885-9894.
  • Beierlein, M and Connors, BW. (2002) Short-term dynamics of thalamocortical and intracortical synapses onto layer 6 neurons in neocortex. J. Neurophysiol. 88, 1924-1932.
  • Amitai, Y, Gibson, JR, Beierlein, M, Patrick, SL, Ho, AM, Connors, BW, and Golomb, D. (2002) The spatial dimensions of electrically coupled networks of interneurons in the neocortex.  Neurosci.22, 4142-4152.
  • Landisman, CE, Long, MA, Beierlein, M, Deans, MR, Paul, DL, and Connors, BW. (2002) Electrical synapses in the thalamic reticular nucleus.   Neurosci. 22, 1002-1009.
  • Beierlein, M*, Gibson, JR*, and Connors, BW. (2000) A network of electrically coupled interneurons drives synchronized inhibition in neocortex.  Neurosci.3, 904-910.
  • Gibson, JR*, Beierlein, M*, and Connors, BW. (1999) Two networks of electrically coupled inhibitory neurons in neocortex.  Nature 402, 75-79.
  • Lin, Z, Lin, Y, Schorge, S, Pan, J, Beierlein, M, and Lipscombe, D. (1999) Alternative splicing of a short cassette exon in a1B generates functionally distinct N-type calcium channels in central and peripheral neurons.  Neurosci. 19, 5322-5331.
  • Kim, HG, Beierlein, M, and Connors, BW. (1995) Inhibitory control of excitable dendrites in neocortex.  Neurophysiol. 74: 1810-1814.

* denotes equal authorship