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office of professionalism and engagement for students

Medical Students

office of professionalism and engagement for residents and fellows

Residents and Fellows

office of professionalism and engagement for faculty

Faculty and Staff

graphic explaining the Office of Professionalism's mission, vision, and charge. Mission is To grow an explicit, institution-wide identity that routinely identifies excellence, prioritizes community pathway programs and service learning, creates expectation of value, extends beyond UGM into the clinical environments, and share a common language for assessment . Vision is Longitudinal approach to professional identity formation and growth to promote psychological safety and mitigate mistreatment for a positive learning environment incorporating lifelong community health. Lastly, Charge is To facilitate the development of new and the cohesion and collaboration of many existing efforts that create a McGovern-wide work culture and learning environment that embraces community partnership as a tenet of professionalism that is central to our lives as physicians and a fundamental goal of our educational efforts.

Introduction by Dr. John Riggs
