Pathway Programs

  • Aspirations in Medical Professions (AMP)
    •  The Pathway program is designed to expose different high school students to various health professions at UTHealth. It is a full-day program for high school students. They are provided with admission information from the schools, meet with admission representatives, have hands-on activities, and ask questions during the med-student panel.

For more information, please email Jennifer Ramos at

students in Aspirations in Medical Professions program listening to lecture by Dr. Robert Spears from the School of Dentistry

  • Health Careers Collaborative (HCC) 
    • The Mission of the Health Career Collaborative is to provide mentorship, engaging health curriculum, and exposure to health careers to high school students.

For more information, please email Jennifer Ramos at

group picture of students in Health Careers Collaborative program

  • Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)
    • The McGovern Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free, six-week academic and summer enrichment program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for college freshmen and sophomores interested in medicine, dentistry, nursing, or public health.

group picture of students who participated in the 2024 Summer Health Professions Education Program