Nasal Stents Post-op Instructions

Nasal Retainers

Pediatric Plastic Surgery Post-op Lip/Nose Repair

Remove the stent 48 hrs after surgery

  • Remove old steri strips with a damp cloth or cotton ball
  • Wash the stent in soap & water to remove any drainage
  • Gently clean your child’s face and nose with soap and water to remove any old blood or drainage
  • Make sure the stent is dry before proceeding to the next step **Its always helpful to have another pair of hands to hold your infant while placing the stents**

Orient the Nasal stent with the narrow side turned up, wider base on bottom
nasal stent

Place the first steri strip on the wing Make sure sticky side is down

Wrap the steri strip around the wing one full loop. The sticky side should again be facing down
steri strip

Repeat on the opposite wing. Place the steristrip on the wing, sticky side down.
Again wrap the steristrip one time around the wing. The sticky side should be faced down.

Apply a small amount of Mastisol to the bridge of the nose & let dry for 30 seconds.
Make sure to not get it near the baby’s eyes!!

Place a small amount of lubricant on the nasal stents to ease insertion into the nostrils.
Caution: This ointment is greasy and if too much is used, the tape will not stick
lubricant on

Cut steri strips to size before inserting into nose.
Gently insert the nasal stent and tape the two wings over the top of the nose.

Daily Stent Care

  • If there is a lot of drainage, gently clean around the nostril and lip with a moist q tip.
  • Avoid putting anything in the nose itself, other than the stent
  • If the stent slips or falls out, that’s ok! Just clean it off and put it back in.
  • Make sure your child is wearing their elbow restraints at all times so they don’t try to pull out the stents

Reasons to call the clinic?
Clinic: (832) 325-7234

  • If you notice any bleeding, swelling, or signs of infection.
  • New sores or wounds from the stent or tape rubbing on the skin.
  • The incision i s opening up. If in doubt, call!
  • If the stents break, come in to the clinic anytime and we can replace them for you!