Transitioning to Sippy Cups

Prior to cleft palate surgery, your baby will need to transition to a sippy cup. This process can take several months and it is not unusual if it is difficult at first for both baby and parents. We recommend to start this transition at about the same time the baby transitions to solid foods at about 9 months of age. Full transition off the bottle by 12 months of age will also help promote oral development and prevent tooth decay. Any brand sippy cup is acceptable as long as it has a short, soft spout, rimless, or an open cup. No straw sippy cups.

Tips for Transitioning
Try removing the valve if the cup is too difficult to drink from at first.

Fill the cup with familiar fluid. Use formula or breastmilk. Wait until 1 year of age or pediatrician recommendation until you transition to cow’s milk. If your baby does not like formula or breastmilk from the sippy cup then try water or juice.

Allow your baby to practice. Provide the sippy cup at just one meal time regularly to replace the bottle. Keep consistent with providing the sippy cup at this same meal time until they become more familiar and are willing to drink from the sippy cup.

If your baby does not understand what to do, then model using the sippy cup. Allow them to play with the cup, look at it, hold it themselves.

Go slow, try holing the cup and allowing the fluid to drop into their mouth. Taking time to allow for swallowing before providing more.

Try more than one cup. Starting with the silicone spout is often easier.

Work with your baby’s cleft team or speech therapist if they are still having trouble transitioning.

Transitioning to Sippy Cups