Common Questions

Launched in early 2021, UTHealth Alumni Community is the official networking platform for UTHealth alumni and students. It is a free online service accessed at uthealthalumni.org.

You can register and login using your existing LinkedIn, Google, or Facebook account, or you can create an account using your personal email address.

Those who log in using an email we don’t already have in our database will see their registration listed as “pending” until our staff can confirm their UTHealth affiliation. Pending users are typically confirmed within one to three business days.

The UTHealth Alumni Community is exclusively for UTHealth community members. The directory is searchable by user type, degree, specialty, location and/or keyword. Additionally, identifying others who are willing to help is simple, and messaging them does not require additional requests to connect. The community is opt-in, which means that individuals using the platform have volunteered to make themselves available to the network.

When registering or updating their profile, users can indicate how they are willing to help. Options include: introduce others to my connections, answer questions about my field, or be a mentor and offer advice, review resumes, or meet for coffee.

These options are searchable in the directory, and add a layer of additional permissions for users who would like to reach out and connect with one another.

UTHealth Alumni Community is your chance to connect with fellow alumni and current students. These individuals have opted in to being contacted by McGovern Medical School students and alumni.

It’s the perfect place to connect with fellow graduates, to learn about upcoming events, and to give back by serving as a mentor.