Structural Biology Imaging Center
The Structural Biology Imaging Center is dedicated to facilitation of structural biology research activities on structure/function of macromolecular and subcellular complexes using electron cryo-microscopy (cryoEM). It is our mission to create a stimulating research environment by supporting activities such as seminars and workshops. The Center supports and coordinates maintenance of the equipment used in structural biology research and provides services to the users, including data collection and training. Through hiring of new young investigators, we aim to develop a center that constitutes a critical mass for research excellence in the field. The Center brings together faculty from McGovern Medical School.
Click here to view a video that highlights the features and capabilities of the Structural Biology Imaging Center.
The Center provides access to high-resolution cryo-electron microscopes and peripheral cryo-TEM equipment, housed in the Cryo-EM Core Facility, located within UTHealth Houston McGovern Medical School. The equipment is available to researchers at UTHealth Houston McGovern Medical School, as well as the members of the greater Houston and worldwide research community (on a per-fee or collaborative basis).

Titan G3 Krios
- Titan Krios G3: This is a 300 keV instrument with an X-FEG electron source, equipped with a post-column Gatan BioQuantum energy filter, a K2 Summit direct electron detector, Volta Phase Plates, 12-position Autoloader. And dual axis stage tilt (±70°). Automated data collection can be acquired through EPU, Tomo and SerialEM.
- Glacios Cryo-TEM (Thermo Fisher Scientific) has been purchased and will be online late mid 2023; features a 200 kV XFEG, an autoloader system (compatible with Titan Krios), a Falcon 4i counting-capable direct detector installed after the Selectris Energy Filter, and both EPU and Tomo automation software.
- Ancillary equipment
- Vitrobot Mark IV
- Leica EMPG
- Manual cryo-plungers
- PELCO easiGlow Glow Discharge system
- Cressington 108C Auto Carbon Coater
- Denton Vacuum Carbon evaporator