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MSIT UXS Advisory Council


The User/Desktop Support Advisory Committee advises the Medical School Office of Information Technology (MSIT) regarding issues of computer uses and desktop support.

The committee is made up of nine members, three of them permanent, and six of them on a two year term.

The three permanent members are the MS Associate Dean of IT, the MS Executive Director of IT, and the Executive Director of Clinical Technology.

Two members are appointed by the Dean for a two year term and represent a clinical faculty and a research faculty. Two members are appointed by the Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs for a two year term and represent a clinical DMO and a basic science/research DMO.

The last two members are appointed by the Executive Director of MSIT for a two year term and represent a clinical Lan Manager and a basic science/research Lan Manager.

Current Members

  • Bassel Choucair, Associate Vice President of IT User Experience and Support
  • Nermin Suljic, Senior Director, IT User Experience and Support-Academic and Research
  • James J. Griffiths, Executive Director, Clinical Technology
  • Ryan B. Awar, Manager IT Security
  • John F. Bordelon, Jr., Systems and Applications Specialist IV FY24-FY25
  • Sarah Cavenaugh, Faculty, (School of Biomedical Informatics) FY24-FY25
  • Maria D. Garcia-Villarreal, DMO, IMM FY24-FY25
  • Christopher H. Kubycheck, Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer for Ortho Surgery FY24-FY25
  • Omar Sanchez, Pediatrics (Clinical LAN Manager) FY24-FY25
  • M.Neal Waxham, Ph.D., Professor, William M. Wheeless, III Professorship in Biomedical Sciences FY24-FY25

Medical School Information Technology

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IT Help Desk: (713) 486-4848