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Troubleshooting VPN and Remote Desktop Connections

If you find that you cannot get to your desktop from home, the following steps will help you either resolve the problem or at least narrow down where you might be having trouble. This in turn will let your Lan Manager help you resolve the problem more quickly.

There are 3 steps involved in getting to your office computer:

  1. Check Home Internet Connectivity
  2. Check VPN Connectivity
  3. Check Remote Desktop Connectivity

Please follow all three of these steps as outlined below to properly troubleshoot your connection.

Step 1: Check Home Internet Connectivity

Begin by restarting your home computer.

Log back in without starting any other programs.

Open the page on your browser. Go to Google and type in the word TEXAS.

If you get data back: Your Internet connection at home is working. Proceed to Step 2 below.

If you get no data: Either your home connection is down, or you might be in Airplane Mode (if on a laptop). MSIT cannot troubleshoot home Internet Connections; contact your ISP orĀ go here for advice on how to troubleshoot it. (Although the page was published by AT&T, the information contained in it may be helpful regardless of who your ISP might be.)

Step 2: Check VPN Connectivity

Step 2a: Connect Using the F5/Big IP VPN Desktop App

If you already have Big IP Edge Client VPN software installed on your desktop (also known as F5 VPN) on your computer, run it.

If you do not have F5 / Big IP VPN installed on your desktop: go to Step 2b below instead.

When prompted, type in your username and password.

If you get on (the initialization goes away automatically): You are now connected to VPN, proceed to Step 3.

If it stays stuck on “Initializing” or otherwise the F5 / Big IP box never clears: click the DISCONNECT button and close the box. Go to Step 2b below.

Step 2b: Connect Using the UT VPN Web Page

Go to the UTVPN web page.

Type in your username and password in the boxes in the upper left-hand corner of the web page.

You will be prompted about downloading and installing files if you’ve never used the UTVPN page. Answer affirmatively (yes, run, continue, etc) to these prompts, they are safe to run.

If you connect successfully: proceed to Step 3.

If you still cannot connect: Send an MSIT ServiceNow ticket (or call the UTHealth Help Desk at 713-486-4848 if all else fails), and ask for help with “Connecting to VPN“. Include your cell phone number so we can call you back and troubleshoot with you.

Step 3: Connect To Your Desktop

After having connected to VPN (see Step 2 above), you can now connect to your desktop using Remote Desktop Connection.

If you don’t already have the name of your computer or a Remote Desktop Connection file to click on, see this web page for information on how to get your work computer’s name.

If you already have the computer name or a Remote Desktop connection file on your desktop, click on that file.

If prompted for your username, type in your UTHealth username as UTHOUSTON\[your username].

When prompted, type in your UTHealth password.

If you can connect to your office computer: You’re connected, have a nice workday.

If you cannot connect to your office computer: Send an MSIT ServiceNow ticket (or call the UTHealth Help Desk at 713-486-4848 if all else fails), and ask for help with “Connecting to Remote Desktop“. Include your cell phone number so we can call you back and troubleshoot with you.

Medical School Information Technology

Administrative Offices
6431 Fannin St | MSB G.520 | Houston, TX 77030 USA | Fax: (713) 500-0708
IT Help Desk: (713) 486-4848