Visiting Students

NOTE: Visiting Students or Visiting Scholars Program (VSP) are not processed through the GME Office

Elective Rotations 

Students interested in an elective rotation at McGovern Medical School, should contact the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs. McGovern Medical School uses VSLO to receive visiting student applications for senior elective request(s).


Visiting Scholars Program (VSP) 

Visiting Student
Student enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate or professional degree program at another institution of higher education, with an interest in a health care related field, who seeks an educational experience/training/shadowing/observing from UTHealth Houston faculty and staff, at UTHealth Houston facilities and/or UT Physicians Clinics.
The main purpose of the Visiting Student’s educational/training experience at UTHealth Houston must be related to their current degree program, with an interest in a health care related field and/or fulfill an educational requirement of the student’s home institution.
Limited to one year.