Series Part IV: Transitional Care Management
Transistional Care Services (TCM) were created to help facilitate the handoff period of patients transitioning from the hospital and/or facility setting to a community setting. They must return to their community setting (i.e., home, domiciliary, nursing, or assisted living). The patient has medical and/or psychosocial problems that require moderate or high complexity medical decision making.
The 30-day TCM period starts on the date of discharge and continues for the following 29 days.
Approved Facility Discharge Settings:
● Inpatient acute care hospital
● Inpatient psychiatric hospital
● Inpatient rehabilitation facility
● Long-term care hospital
● Skilled nursing facility
● Hospital outpatient observation or partial hospitalization
● Partial hospitalization at a community mental health center
Three Components of TCM:
(1) Interactive Contact – must be made within two business days following the beneficiary’s discharge to the community setting by telephone, e-mail, or face-to-face. Contact may be made by physician or clinical staff. However, if made by clinical staff, their contact must go beyond just scheduling follow-up care. They must be able to address the patient’s needs and status.
- Keep trying to make contact until you succeed, even after the first two attempts within the required two business days.
- Continue trying until you successfully communicate.
- Record all your communication attempts. If all other TCM criteria are met, you can report the service.
(2) Non-Face-to-Face TCM Services –
Physicians or Advance Practice Providers (ACPs) may furnish the following:
Obtain and review discharge information
Review need for or follow-up on pending diagnostic tests and treatments
Interact with other health care professionals who will assume or reassume care
of the beneficiary’s system-specific problems
Provide education to the beneficiary, family, guardian and/or caregiver
Establish or re-establish referrals and arrange for needed community resources
Assist in scheduling required follow-up with community providers and services
Licensed Clinical Staff may provide – State law, supervision, and other rules apply:
Communication with agencies and community services the beneficiary uses
Provide education to the beneficiary, family, guardian, and/or caretaker to
support self-management, independent living, and activities of daily living
Assess and support treatment regimen adherence and medication management
Identify available community and health resources
Assist the beneficiary and/or family in accessing necessary care and resources
(3) Face-to-Face TCM Service – may be provided via telehealth. The face-to-face visit is a component of TCM services and should not be reported separately with an E/M code. This component may be provided as “incident to” when requirements including direct supervision, have been met.
CPT Codes
- 99495 – Transitional Care Management – Moderate MDM ($210.79)
- 99496 – Transitional Care Management – High MDM ($285.09)
TCM Supervision Requirements:
- Face-to-face TCM = direct supervision (feet in the suite!) by physician or ACP.
- Non-face-to-face TCM = general overall direction, presence not required.
Approved Providers:
Providers recognized to perform E/M (Evaluation and Management) services may report TCM.
Physician (any specialty)
Clinical nurse specialist (CNS)
Nurse practitioner (NP)
Physician assistant (PA)
Certified nurse midwife
Document: Dates and Activity Details
- Date of discharge,
- Date of interactive contact (with patient and/or caregiver),
- Date of face-to-face visit, and
- Date(s) of non-face-to-face services
- Date of Medication Reconciliation (not to occur any later than the face-to-face visit is performed)
and documentation supporting –
Complexity of medical decision making:
Moderate, or
For more comprehensive information, explore the resources provided below. Care management services encompass a wide array of activities and can be quite intricate. This article only scratches the surface. If you intend to start utilizing these services, ensure you familiarize yourself with which care management services are bundled, overlap, or can be reported separately. Many guidelines have similar wording.
If your group would like to talk more about these services, please feel free to reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].
MLN Matter Article, MM11560 – Calendar Year (CY) 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule – Transitional Care Management
Transitional Care Management Services Fact Sheet
Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) Transitional Care Management