Ronna Foster, SCCA

Ronna Foster

Ronna Foster, SCCA

Ronna Foster is a (SCCA) Senior Compliance Coding Analyst with the (MSHBC) Medical School Healthcare Billing Compliance Department. She accepted the remote position with us in 2016. Here, she works with many specialty departments performing compliance reviews. She also provides education and training on proper coding and documentation practices.

Ronna holds the following credentials:

Prior to her position in the MSHBC (Healthcare Billing Compliance) department, she was with the department of Pediatric Surgery. Her areas of focus before joining UT Health included Neurology, Neurosurgery, and OBGYN.

Ronna moved to the Houston area in 2008, but grew up in Groves, Texas. She has one daughter, and is a proud GiGi to her grandson.