June 15, 2023

Implantable Infusion Pumps for Chronic Pain

​Implantable pain pumps are medical devices implanted under the skin. They deliver medication directly to the spinal cord used to manage chronic pain. Proper coding of implantable pain pump procedures is critical for accurate and compliant claims submitted for reimbursement…

November 30, 2022

Medical Decision Making 101

  In this article, we are going to briefly discuss the basics of MDM (Medical Decision Making). Presenting Problem(s) Consider using the MEAT method for determining your level for presenting problems. Problem Addressed – A problem is addressed or managed…

November 17, 2022

E/M + Procedure = Modifier -25

On its face, this doesn’t seem to be a complex matter. But not so fast. There is always more to the story than meets the eye. First, let’s discuss evaluation and management services. These patient visits are measured, as best…

September 20, 2022

Patient is not Inpatient or Observation Status

Today’s post covers the patient scenario where they are neither an Inpatient Hospital nor Observation status. This is also referred to as “outpatient in a bed.” In 2023, what options do we have under the AMA’s new E/M changes? Other…