
Dr. Meyer grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina as the oldest of three siblings. He attended college at East Carolina University (home of the fighting Pirates), where he graduated with undergraduate honors and a double major in Biology and Chemistry. He stayed on at East Carolina to earn a Master’s degree in Computational Inorganic Chemistry.

Realizing that his passions lay elsewhere, Dr. Meyer attended medical school at The Ross University School of Medicine. He graduated summa cum laude and went on to complete his residency in General Surgery at the University of Arizona. At McGovern Medical School formerly the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, he completed fellowships in Surgical Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery and was later invited to stay on as faculty. Dr. Meyer is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Surgery in the Division of Acute Care Surgery.


BS, Biology and Chemistry, East Carolina University, 1997-2001
MS, Chemistry, East Carolina University, 2001-2004
MD, The Ross University School of Medicine, 2006-2010
Internship & Residency
General Surgery, The University of Arizona, 2010-2015
Acute Care Surgery, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (now known as McGovern Medical School at UTHealth), 2015-2016
Surgical Critical Care, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (now known as McGovern Medical School at UTHealth), 2016-2017
MS, Clinical Research, McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, 2019-2021

Areas of Interest

Clinical Interests

Surgical Critical Care, Trauma Surgery, Emergency and Elective General Surgery

Research Interests

Traumatic brain injury, Resuscitation, and Vascular Trauma


  1. Wynne J, Meyer DE, O’Keeffe T, Friese RS, Kulvatunyou N, Joseph B, Tang A, Rhee P. Utility of contrasted CT head in blunt trauma patients. Society of Critical Care Medicine’s 42nd Critical Care Congress; January 19-23, 2013; San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  2. Joseph B, Meyer DE, Pandit V, Kulvatunyou N, Khalil M, Tang AL, Zangbar B, O’Keeffe T, Gries L, Friese RS, Rhee P. A prospective analysis of the dose dependent effect of pre-hospital aspirin therapy in patients with traumatic intracranial hemorrhage. Southwest Trauma and Acute Care Symposium; November 7-8, 2013; Scottsdale, AZ.
  3. Zangbar B, Wynne JL, Lemole M, Joseph B, Pandit V, Aziz H, Friese RS, Meyer DE, Kulvatunyou N, O’Keeffe T, Tang A, Rhee P. Incidence of traumatic intracranial aneurysm in blunt trauma patients: a 10-year report. J. Surg. Research. 2014; 186: 690.
  4. Joseph B, Meyer DE, Pandit V, Kulvatunyou N, Khalil M, Tang AL, Zangbar B, O’Keeffe T, Gries L, Friese RS, Rhee P. A prospective analysis of the dose dependent effect of pre-hospital aspirin therapy in patients with traumatic intracranial hemorrhage. Trauma Association of Canada; April 9-11, 2014; Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  5. Meyer DE, Joseph B, Pandit V, Kulvatunyou N, Khalil M, O’Keeffe T, Tang AL, Vercruysse GA, Friese RS, Rhee P. Early use of venous thromboembolic prophylaxis in traumatic brain injury: a safe practice. Surgical Forum, American College of Surgeons 2014 Clinical Congress; October 26-30, 2014; Chicago, IL.
  6. Meyer DE, Joseph B, Pandit V, Kulvatunyou N, Khalil M, O’Keeffe T, Tang AL, Vercruysse GA, Friese RS, Rhee P. Early use of venous thromboembolic prophylaxis in traumatic brain injury: a safe practice. Southwestern Trauma and Acute Care Symposium; November 13-14, 2014; Scottsdale, AZ.
  7. Meyer DE, Vincent LE, Fox EE, O’Keeffe T, Inaba K, Bulger E, Holcomb JB, Cotton BA; PROPPR Study Group. Every minute counts: Time to arrival of initial massive transfusion cooler and its impact on mortality. Raymond H. Alexander Resident Paper Competition. EAST 2017 Annual Scientific Assembly; January 10-13, 2017; Hollywood Beach, FL.
  8. Meyer DE, Rahbar E, Fox E, Stein DM, Cohen MJ, Inaba K, Holcomb JB, Cotton BA; PROPPR Study Group. A comparison of resuscitation intensity (RI) and critical administration threshold (CAT) in predicting early mortality among bleeding trauma patients: a multicenter validation in 680 major transfusion patients. EAST 2018 Scientific Assembly; January 9-13, 2018; Lake Buena Vista, FL.
  9. Callcut R, Kornblith L, Conroy A, Robles A, Meizoso J, Namias N, Meyer D, et al. The why and how our trauma patients die: A prospective multicenter Western Trauma Association study. Western Trauma Association Annual Meeting; February 25-March 2, 2018; Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
  10. Meyer DE, Mont MT, Harvin JA, Kao LS, Wade CE, and Moore LJ. Catheter distances and balloon inflation volumes for the ER-REBOA catheter: A prospective analysis. Southwestern Surgical Congress Annual Meeting; April 8-11, 2018; Napa, CA.
  11. Mont MT, Harvin JA, Meyer DE, Wade CE, Moore LJ. Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) inflation times and acute renal failure: Does time matter? Southwestern Surgical Congress Annual Meeting; April 8-11, 2018; Napa, CA.
  12. Ray HM, Sandhu HK, Meyer DE, Miller CC, Dipasupil E, Afifi RO, Azizzadeh A, Charlton-Ouw K. Predictors of outcome in infrainguinal bypass for trauma. Forty-second Annual Meeting of the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery; January 17-20, 2018; Scottsdale, AZ.
  13. Clendeninn D, Meyer DE, Sen S, de Haan J, Gluck D, Hernandez N. The efficacy of serratus anterior plane block for multiple rib fractures in trauma: A retrospective case-control study. American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2018 World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine; April 19-21, 2018; New York, NY.
  14. Toelle L, Koh E, Dodwad S, Prasarn M, Harvin J, Meyer DE, Cotton BA, Kao LS, Wade C, Adams SD. Routine spine consultation for isolated thoracolumbar transverse process fractures is unnecessary, even when multilevel or bilateral. American College of Surgeons 2018 Clinical Congress; October 21-25, 2018; Boston, MA.
  15. Meyer DE, McNutt M, Stephens C, Harvin JA, Cabrera R, Kao LS, Cotton BA, Wade CE, Love JD. Predictors for direct admission to the OR in severe trauma. Academic Surgical Congress; February 5-7, 2019; Houston, TX.
  16. Meyer DE, Wright R, Yang Y, Wolf D, Cotton BA, Drake SA. A comparison of traumatic hemopericardium and medical hemopericardium using autopsy data from a county medical examiner. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma 78th Annual Meeting; September 18-21, 2019; Dallas, TX.
  17. Millare GA, Verduzco-Gutierrez M, Cotton BA, Harvin JA, Moore LJ, Meyer DE. The effect of acute blood loss anemia on rehabilitation outcomes after trauma. Southwestern Surgical Congress 72nd Annual Meeting. September 1-4, 2020; Ojai, CA.
Refereed Original Articles in Journals
  1. Meyer DE, Sargent AL. An interactive computer program to help students learn molecular symmetry elements and operations. Chem. Educ. 2007; 84: 1551-1552.
  2. Joseph B, Pandit V, Butvidas L, Meyer DE, Kulvatunyou N, Khalil M, Tang AL, Zangbar B, O’Keeffe T, Gries L, Friese RS, Rhee P. The significance of platelet count in traumatic brain injury patients on antiplatelet therapy. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014; 77:417-421.
  3. Zangbar B, Wynne JL, Joseph B, Pandit V, Meyer DE, Kulvatunyou N, Khalil M, O’Keeffe T, Tang AL, Lemole JM, Friese RS, Rhee P. Traumatic intracranial aneurysm in blunt trauma. Brain Injury. 2015;29:601-606.
  4. Meyer DE, Vincent LE, Fox EE, O’Keeffe T, Inaba K, Bulger E, Holcomb JB, Cotton BA; PROPPR Study Group. Every minute counts: Time to delivery of initial massive transfusion cooler and its impact on mortality. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017;83:19-24.
  5. Meyer DE, Reynolds JW, Hobbs R, Bai Y, Hartwell E, Pommerening MJ, Fox EE, Wade CE, Holcomb JB, Cotton BA. The incidence of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) at a large, urban tertiary medical center: A decade’s experience. Anesth Analg. 2018;127:444-449.
  6. Meyer DE, Cotton BA, Fox EE, Stein D, Holcomb JB, Cohen M, Inaba K, Rahbar E; PROPPR Study Group. A comparison of resuscitation intensity (RI) and critical administration threshold (CAT) in predicting early mortality among bleeding patients: A multicenter validation study in 680 major transfusion patients. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018;85:691-696.
  7. Callcut R, Kornblith L, Conroy A, Robles A, Meizoso J, Namias N, Meyer DE, Haymaker A, Truitt M, Agrawal V, Haan J, Lightwine K, Porter J, San Roman J, Biffl W, Hayashi M, Sise M, Badiee J, Recinos G, Inaba K, Schroeppel T, Callaghan E, Dunn J, Godin S, McIntyre R, Peltz E, O’Neill P, Diven C, Scifres A, Cross A, West M, Storrs S, Cullinane D, Cordova J, Moore E, Moore H, Privette A, Eriksson E, Cohen M. The why and how our trauma patients die: A prospective Western Trauma Association Multicenter Trials Committee study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019;86(5):864-870.
  8. Meyer DE, Mont MT, Harvin JA, Kao LS, Wade CE, Moore LJ. Catheter distances and balloon inflation volumes for the ER-REBOA catheter: A prospective analysis. Am J Surg. 2019; In press.
  9. Hernandez N, de Haan JB, Clendenin D, Meyer DE, Ghebremichael S, Artime C, Williams G, Eltzschig H, Sen S. The impact of serratus plane block on pain scores and incentive spirometry volumes after chest trauma. Local Regional Anesth. 2019;12:59-66.
  10. Ray HM, Sandhu HK, Meyer DE, Miller CC, Vowels TJ, Afif RO, Azizzadeh A, Charlton-Ouw KO. Predictors of poor outcome in infrainguinal bypass for trauma. J Vasc Surg. 2019;70(6) 1816-1822.
  11. Wei S, Green C, Truong V, Howell J, Martinez Ugarte S, Albarado R, Taub E, Meyer DE, Adams SD, McNutt M, Moore LJ, Cotton BA, Kao LS, Wade CE, Holcomb JB, Harvin JA. Implementation of a multi-modal pain regimen to decrease inpatient opioid exposure after injury. Am J Surg. 2019;218(6):1122-1127.
  12. Johnson NL, Meyer DE, Kitagawa RS, Dannenbaum M, Wang HE. Traumatic brain injury – what happens in the hospital? JEMS. 2020; In press.
  13. Assen S, Cardenas J, George M, Wand YW, Wade CE, Meyer DE, Cotton BA. Hemostatic potential of cold-stored whole blood over time: An assessment of platelet function and thrombin generation for optimal shelf-life. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019; Accepted for publication.
  14. Moore LJ, Fox EE, Meyer DE, Wade CE, Podbielski JM, Xu X, Morrison JJ, Scalea T, Fox CJ, Moore EE, Morse BC, Inaba K, Bulger EM, Holcomb JB. Prospective observational evaluation of the ER-REBOA™ catheter at six U.S. trauma centers. Ann Surg. 2020; Accepted for publication.
  15. Johnson NL, Wade CE, Fox EE, Meyer DE, Fox CJ, Moore EE, Scalea T, Bulger EM, Inaba K, Morse BC, Moore LJ. Determination of optimal deployment strategy for REBOA in patients with non-compressible hemorrhage below the diaphragm. Am J Surg. 2020; Submitted for publication.
  16. Puzio TJ, Love JD, McNutt MK, Stephens CT, Harvin JA, Cabrera R, Kao LS, Cotton BA, Wade CE, Meyer DE. Predictors for direct to operating room admission in severe trauma. J Surg Res. 2020; Submitted for publication.
  17. Osborn L, Meyer DE, Dahm P, Ferguson B, Cabrera R, Sanger D, Mock M, Herrera T, Mader S, Ostrosky-Zeichner L. Integration of aeromedicine in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. JACEP Open. 2020; 1-6.
  18. Zaza M, Meyer DE, Wang Y, George M, Daniels K, Cardenas JC, Cotton BA. The impact of rapid infuser use on the platelet count, platelet function, and hemostatic potential of whole blood. J Surg Res. 2020; Submitted for publication.
Book Chapters
  1. Meyer DE. Hemodynamic monitoring in the ICU. In: Moore JS, Todd SR, eds. Common Problems in Acute Care Surgery. 2nd Switzerland: Springer International; 2017:63-70.
  2. Meyer DE. Small bowel obstruction. In: Dimick J, Upchurch G, Sonnenday C, Kao LS, eds. Clinical Scenarios in Surgery. 2nd Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2018:126-130.
  1. Meyer DE. Computational Tools in Chemistry: From Software Development for the Advancement of Chemistry Education to Classic Quantum Chemical Research. M.S. Thesis, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 2004.
Other Professional Communications

Non-Refereed Articles

  1. Johnson N, Meyer DE. Bowel perforation. 2020. Published April 22, 2020. Accessed April 22, 2020.