
Dr. Northrup is a Professor within the Department of Family and Community Medicine, as well as the Co-Director of the Behavioral Health and Addiction Research Program. He also has an appointment in the Center for Neurobehavioral Research on Addictions.

Dr. Northrup is a clinical psychologist, licensed in the state of Texas. His research specialties are focused on behavioral treatments for substance use disorders (SUD), secondhand and thirdhand smoke exposure (SHSe/THSe) prevention (particularly as SHSe and THSe relate to mothers and infants in the neonatal intensive care unit [NICU]), and smoking cessation.  Other populations of interest include pregnant women, mothers/families with a child in the NICU, and individuals who use opioids and illicit substances.

He is currently multi-PI for an Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Cohort site and is serving as co-Site PI on a NIDA Clinical Trials Network project (CTN-0139; “Co-Care”). He was the PI for an NIH (NICHD)-funded R03 (data collection finished in 2018) focused on THSe in the NICU.  He served as a co-investigator and project director for one HRSA- and one NIH-funded project focused on reducing SHSe for infants discharged from a NICU to a household where individuals who smoke reside.  He was also the Site Principal Investigator for a completed NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) study with individuals abusing or dependent on stimulants and a Protocol Manager for a recently completed NIDA CTN SUD pharmacotherapy study addressing methamphetamine dependence.  Currently he is a co-investigator on three studies, including: a pragmatic-effectiveness trial for opioid use disorders, a treatment development grant focused on combining motivational interviewing and acceptance/mindfulness-based interventions to help new mothers (who use substances) engage with SUD treatment and family planning, and innovative work on a medical-legal partnership addressing health-harming legal needs in primary care clinics.

He is a member of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (and active member of the Finance Committee), American Psychological Association, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine.

At UTHealth, Dr. Northrup served on the Faculty Senate from 2012-2018 (and rejoined in 2019), and currently serves on the HOOP and Research Committees.  He has mentored faculty members, neonatology and sports medicine fellows, postdoctoral fellows, residents, graduate students, and medical students. Dr. Northrup teaches behavioral science to 1st–3rd year Family Medicine Residents and has received the Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award for six consecutive years (2014-2019).

As an affiliate member of the Thirdhand Smoke Research Consortium, he participates in monthly Consortium webinars, collaborates with Consortium researchers, and shares his research through the Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center website at

Board Certification

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (TSBEP)


Doctorate of Philosophy
Clinical Psychology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 2010
Clinical Psychology Resident
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 2009-2010
Masters of Arts
Clinical Psychology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 2006


  1. Malone, P. S., Northrup, T. F., Masyn, K. E., Lamis, D. A., & Lamont, A. E. (2012). Initiation and persistence of alcohol use in United States Black, Hispanic, and White male and female youth.  Addictive Behaviors, 37, 299-305. PMCID: PMC3258351.
  1. Stotts, A. L., Green, C., Masuda, A., Grabowski, J., Wilson, K., Northrup, T.F., Moeller, F. G., Schmitz, J. (2012). A stage I pilot study of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for methadone detoxification. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 125, 215-222.  PMCID: PMC3386351; NIHMSID: NIHMS364559.
  1. Northrup, T.F., Evans, P.W., & Stotts, A.L. (2013).  Depression among mothers of high-risk infants discharged from a neonatal intensive care unit. MCN, The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 38(2), 89-94.
  1. Stotts, A.L., Green, C., Northrup, T.F., Dodrill, C.L., Evans, P., Tyson, J., Velasquez, M., Hammond, K., & Hovell, M.F. (2013).  Feasibility and Efficacy of an Intervention to Reduce Secondhand Smoke Exposure among Infants Discharged from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.  Journal of Perinatology, 33(10), 811-816. doi: 1038/jp.2013.43
  1. Northrup, T.F., Stotts, A.L., Green, C., Potter, J.S., Marino, E., Walker, R., Weiss, R.D., Trivedi, M. (2015).  Opioid withdrawal and craving trajectories during and after outpatient buprenorphine stabilization and taper: A latent class and growth mixture model of time-to-first opioid lapse.  Addictive Behaviors, 41: 20-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.09.021; PMCID: PMC4252696; NIHMSID: NIHMS630754.
  1. Stotts, A.L., Northrup, T.F., Cinciripini, P., Minnix, J., Blalock, J., Mullen, P.D., Pedroza, C., & Blackwell, S. (2015).  Randomized, controlled trial of bupropion for pregnant smokers: Challenges and future directions. American Journal of Perinatology, 32(4):351-356. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1386635
  1. Stotts, A.L., & Northrup, T.F. (2015).  The promise of third-wave behavioral therapies in the treatment of substance use disorders.  Current Opinion in Psychology, 2, 75-81. doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2014.12.028
  1. Northrup, T.F., Matt, G.E., Hovell, M.F., Khan, A.M., & Stotts, A.L. (2015).  Thirdhand smoke in the homes of medically fragile children: Assessing the impact of indoor smoking levels and smoking bans. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, epub: 1-9. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntv174; PMID:26315474; PMCID: in process.
  1. Holzman, G., Khan, A., Northrup, T.F., Domonoske, C., & Eichenwald, E.C. (2015).  Decreasing Vancomycin utilization in a neonatal intensive care unit.  American Journal of Infection Control, 43(11):1255-1257. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2015.06.028. Epub 2015 Aug 12. PubMed PMID: 26277573
  1. Northrup, T.F., Khan, A.M., Jacob, P., Benowitz, N.L., Hoh, E., Hovell, M.F., Matt, G.E., & Stotts, A.L. (2015).  Thirdhand smoke contamination in hospital settings: Assessing exposure risk for vulnerable paediatric patients. Tobacco Control, 0: 1-5. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2015-052506.  First published online: December 3, 2015.  NIHMSID 743953. PMCID: PMC4893002.
  1. Carroll, K., Zare, M., Northrup, T.F., & Stotts, A.L. (2016).  Dramatic reduction in hydrocodone prescriptions in an urban safety net health care system: Has it improved patient safety or led to increased patient suffering? Pain Medicine, 17(2), 213-216. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnv026.  First published online: December 7, 2015.
  1. Northrup, T.F., Jacob, P., Benowitz, N.L., Hoh, E., Quintana, P.J.E., Hovell, M.F., Matt, G.E., & Stotts, A.L. (2016).  Thirdhand smoke: State-of-the-science and a call for policy expansion.  Public Health Reports, 131(2), 233-238. PMID: 26957657; PMCID: PMC4765971. Doi: 10.1177/003335491613100206.
  1. Northrup, T.F., Evans, P.W., Lillie, M.L., & Tyson, J.E. (2016). A free parking trial to increase visitation and improve extremely-low-birth-weight infant outcomes. Journal of Perinatology, 36, 1112-1115PubMed PMID: 27654495; PMCID: PMC5130615. Full text: doi:10.1038/jp.2016.136
  1. Northrup, T.F., Greer, T.L., Walker, R., Rethorst, C.D., Warden, D., Stotts, A.L., & Trivedi, M.H.. (2017). An ounce of prevention:  A pre-randomization protocol to improve retention in substance use disorder clinical trials. Addictive Behaviors, 64, 137-142. doi: 1016/j.addbeh.2016.08.040
  1. Northrup, T.F., Klawans, M.R., Villarreal, Y.R., Abramovici, A., Suter, M.A., Mastrobattista, J.M., Moreno, C.A.,  Aagard, K.M., & Stotts, A.L. (in press). Perceived prevalence, safety, and screening for cigarettes, marijuana, and electronic-nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use during pregnancy: Results from a CERA general membership survey. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine.

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