June 27, 2023

What’s the Connection Between Asthma and High Blood Pressure?

John Higgins, MD, spoke to Health Central about the connection between asthma and high blood pressure.

June 27, 2023

5 Reasons You’re Always Burping

Brooks Cash, MD, was quoted in a HuffPost article about reasons why we burp. The story appeared on 12 other media outlets including Yahoo! News.

June 23, 2023

UTHealth Houston researcher awarded over $5M to study and improve the diagnostic process in clinics to prevent errors

Improving the diagnostic process and preventing errors are the focus of two studies funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and led by Eric Thomas, MD, associate dean for health care quality with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth…

June 23, 2023

Research sheds light on oxygen treatment for cardiovascular diseases

Collaborative research from two McGovern Medical School departments on the role of oxygen in cardiovascular disease treatment recently was published in Nature Reviews Cardiology (Impact Factor 49.4). Basic scientists and clinicians from the departments of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine and Internal Medicine reviewed multiple…

June 13, 2023

Interim Recommendations for Diagnosing and Managing Suspected Fungal Meningitis Associated with Epidural Anesthesia Administered in Matamoros, Mexico

Luis Ostrosky, MD, was a part of the CDC’s Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity webinar to talk about recommendations for diagnosing and managing suspected fungal meningitis associated with epidural anesthesia administered in Matamoros, Mexico. His presentation starts at the 17:20…

June 13, 2023

New CLL meds: Improved survival rates, 1990-2018

Binsah George, MD, was quoted in an MDEdge article about how medications to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia are improving the survival rate of patients.

June 7, 2023

Learning About Lupus – Fifty Plus

Meera Subash, MD, talked to listeners on Doug Pike’s 50+ show on KPRC Radio about the early signs of lupus and how soon you can be diagnosed with the autoimmune disease (10:54 mark).

June 7, 2023

Human Metapneumovirus: Its Symptoms and Medical Treatment

Rodrigo Hasbun, MD, appeared on Univision Houston Channel 45 to talk about human metapneumovirus.

June 7, 2023

Identifying Individualized Treatment Approaches for EOE Patients

Brooks Cash, MD, was on the GI Insights show for ReachMD Radio to discuss treatment and symptom management for eosinophilic esophagitis.

June 2, 2023

Primary TAVR may be best strategy for aortic stenosis causing cardiogenic shock

Abhijeet Dhoble, MD, was quoted in a Healio article about transcatheter aortic valve replacement.
