Jordan E. Lake MD, MSc is the Barbara E. Murray, MD, Distinguished Professor in Internal Medicine Research. She completed both medical school and Internal Medicine residency at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, followed by an Infectious Diseases fellowship and Master of Science in Clinical Research degree program at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Lake’s outpatient practice focuses on the care of adults with HIV. Her translational research portfolio focuses on the treatment of metabolic and aging-related complications of HIV and antiretroviral therapy, including optimization of care for transgender women with HIV. Dr. Lake also serves as an active member of the NIH-funded MACS/WIHS Combined Cohort Study, AIDS Clinical Trials Group, HIV Prevention Trials Network, and NASH CRN HIV Ancillary Study. She is the Director of the HIV Medicine Fellowship at McGovern Medical School, Director of the Clinical and Biostatistical Core of the Texas Developmental Center for AIDS Research and Co-Director of the NIMH-funded South American Program in HIV/STI Prevention Research.