What is INTEGRA Houston?
INTEGRA uses a mobile health clinic to deliver Substance Use Recovery support to people over 18 yrs old that inject drugs. All participants will receive 6 months of guidance from a Peer Recovery Coach and help to access Medication for Opiate Use Disorder (MOUD).

How do I join INTEGRA?
Call 832-422-6604 or email us at integrahouston@uth.tmc.edu to find out where the mobile unit will be. Your eligibility to participate will be determined after having a blood test, urine test, and medical exam.

How much does INTEGRA cost?
There is no cost to participate in the study. In fact, participants are given compensation!

Is INTEGRA a research study?
Yes! INTEGRA is the first research study ever done to determine if using a mobile health unit to provide Peer Support and access to MOUD (Medication for Opiate Use Disorder) will help to prevent HIV and Hepatitis C infections. This same study is being done in Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

How long is the study?
Participants spend 1 year in the study. In the first 6 months, Peer Coaches help participants develop a plan and personal strategies that may help with long-term recovery. In the last 6 months, participants will use this plan to continue their recovery journey.

Will anyone know I am in the study?
Your participation is confidential. You are assigned an ID number so that your name is not linked to the study. Your information will not be shared with anyone outside of the study team without your permission.

Why is INTEGRA so important?
Opiate overdoses caused about 75,000 deaths in 2021 and that number is on the rise! 1 in 3 people that inject opiates overdose. In addition to being at risk for overdose death, people that inject drugs are at risk for acquiring HIV and Hepatitis C infections. People that use substances may avoid medical treatment because they don’t want to feel judged by healthcare providers, family, and friends. INTEGRA uses Peer Navigators, people with lived recovery experience, to guide participants to break down the barriers that are keeping them from accessing medical care.