After unfortunately cancelling the Microbiology Summer Undergraduate Research Program (MicroSURP) in 2020 due to Covid-19, the MMG Dept. is excited to welcome an incoming summer class of 10 students for a 10-week program aimed at training undergraduates in areas of microbiology research. This program gives a unique opportunity for students to explore and learn from a research perspective in our labs under the mentorship of faculty members.
This year, the Christie, De Lay, Garsin, Hu, Kaplan, Kim, Lorenz, Morano, van Hoof, and Walker labs each welcome 1 student from the following universities: University of Houston – Downtown, Virginia Tech, Texas Tech, LSU, Texas State, University of Arizona, Lamar University, Miami University of Ohio, and Rice.
The director of MicroSURP is Heidi Kaplan, PhD. More information about the program can be found here.