
Munachi Okpala, DNP, MBA, MS, APRN, is an experienced stroke prevention specialist that addresses vascular risk factors, including blood pressure control, diet, physical activity, and smoking cessation. She is instrumental in building the U.T. STEP program for stroke prevention at TMC and has recently expanded the STEP program to the UTP clinic at Memorial City to improve post-discharge access and prevent stroke readmissions.

Dr. Okpala has served as Co-Investigator on five research studies, including STOP for B.P. Reduction, ARCADIA Clinical Trial, Sleep SMART Clinical Trial, STEPS for B.P. Reduction, and NAVIGATE-ESUS Randomized Clinical Trial.

She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. with a research interest in racial discrimination, inflammatory markers, and stroke.


West Texas A & M University - Canyon, Texas
Doctorate Degree
Nursing, Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth - Houston, TX

Areas of Interest

Clinical Interests

  • Primary and secondary stroke prevention


Research Interests

  • Stroke prevention
  • Post stroke depression
  • Telehealth