
Dr. Lal has held various positions throughout his career and received numerous honors and awards for his research contributions. He has been involved in large-scale genomics research consortia and serves as a scientific advisor for several rare genetic epilepsy family foundations. In addition, he has led bioinformatic analysis groups in major epilepsy genomic research projects. Dr. Lal is an active member of professional societies, including the American Society for Human Genetics and the International League against Epilepsy Genetics Consortium.

His contributions to science include the discovery of disease genes associated with epilepsy, studies on epilepsy copy number variants, studies on somatic genetic variants in human brain tissue, and polygenic risk, and investigations into the genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders. Dr. Lal and his team have developed various computational methods, tools, and online resources to aid in interpreting and translating genetic variants. He has successfully guided several BS, MS, and Ph.D. candidates in receiving their degrees and established several educational initiatives such as the ‘precision medicine fellowship’ and several bioinformatic and clinical genetics application workshops to educate early career and established neurologists in genetics and precision medicine.

Overall, Dr. Dennis Lal is an accomplished researcher and educator in genetics and clinical neurogenetics, devoted to enhancing our comprehension of brain disorders through genomic research and its application in clinical care. As the Director of the Center for Neurogenetics at UTHealth Houston, he is continuing his ongoing research program and, clinically, is facilitating the utilization of genetic tests and advanced genetic test interpretation at the neurological institute to establish gene-informed precision medicine clinical trials.


Master of Science
University of Cologne - Cologne,Germany
University of Cologne - Cologne,Germany

Areas of Interest

Clinical Interests

Neurological disorders with an emphasizes on neurodevelopmental disorders and epilepsy.

Research Interests

The Lal Research Group is a multidisciplinary team focused on advancing our understanding of epilepsy and related neurodevelopmental disorders. With a diverse range of expertise, the group investigates various aspects of these conditions using a combination of technological, computational, and data-driven approaches. Their research can be categorized into four major areas:

Genetic Analysis and Variant Interpretation:
The Lal Research Group employs state-of-the-art techniques to investigate the genetic landscape of epilepsy. They explore the role of somatic mosaicism in epilepsy and develop technological and computational approaches to detect these genetic alterations. Additionally, the group investigates the incidence, prevalence, and clinical significance of epilepsy-associated brain lesions. Their studies aim to identify and quantify genetic variants, assess variant burden, and evaluate the pathogenicity of specific genes and variants.

Computational Tools and Data Analysis:
To enhance the clinical interpretation of large copy-number variants, the group has developed CNV-ClinViewer, an online tool that facilitates the comprehensive analysis and visualization of these variants. They also explore the potential of AI language models, such as ChatGPT, to improve care for individuals with epilepsy. The group develops prediction models for early diagnosis, prioritization tools for missense variants, and text mining frameworks for interactive analysis and visualization of biomedical entities. They emphasize the integration of bioinformatics and computational approaches to extract meaningful insights from complex datasets.

Functional Characterization of Neurodevelopmental Genes:
Understanding the functional aspects of neurodevelopmental genes is a key focus of the Lal Research Group. They investigate the delineation of functionally essential protein regions and comprehensively characterize amino acid positions in protein structures. By examining gene families and utilizing gene expression data at the single-cell level, the group elucidates the molecular effects of genetic variants and identifies disease-associated genes. This research contributes to the development of targeted therapies and personalized medicine for neurodevelopmental disorders.

Clinical and Phenotypic Characterization:
The Lal Research Group conducts extensive clinical studies to characterize the phenotypic spectrum of monogenic epilepsy genes in the general population. They investigate the relationship between epilepsy subtypes, neurodevelopmental disorders, and sodium channel dysfunctions. Through cohort studies and genetic variant analysis, they expand our knowledge of specific epilepsy syndromes, including Rolandic epilepsy and genetic focal epilepsies of childhood. Their work sheds light on the underlying biology of these conditions and informs clinical practice and treatment strategies.
By integrating genetics, computational tools, functional characterization, and clinical studies, the Lal Research Group is at the forefront of epilepsy research. Their collaborative and multidisciplinary approach drives advancements in understanding the genetic mechanisms, clinical manifestations, and potential therapeutic targets for epilepsy and related neurodevelopmental disorders.