Donor Information

Brain Donation

Brain donation not only helps us answer important scientific questions in research but also answers questions for family members. These donations are a crucial component to our team’s research, allowing our investigators to identify specific biological markers of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Any findings will be sent to families in an autopsy report to help them plan and assess for potential risks of developing neurodegenerative disease.


Anyone Can Donate – No Referrals Necessary

The Brain Bank is interested in samples from both patients living with a neurological condition as well as healthy donors – anyone is eligible. Those who do not have memory loss or other cognitive issues are just as important for our research as those with neurological conditions. Samples from healthy donors help our researchers learn more about aging in the brain and identify differences between those with normal aging and those with neurodegenerative disease.

If you are interested in becoming a donor, you should have a discussion with your family or other significant household member or partner about your wish to donate.


The Donation Process is Free

There are no costs for this service and UTHealth will cover any associated expenses. We will work with the family of the donor to coordinate all transportation and donation arrangements at no cost and without delay to any funeral arrangements.

Autopsy and Donation

As the donation process is time-sensitive, a coordinator is available 24/7, 365 days a year to assist. At the time of passing, the healthcare proxy or next of kin should call the Brain Bank team at (713) 500-7336 for notification and to begin the process. Donation does not interfere with funeral arrangements. Examination does not take more than a few hours and there will be no visible changes to the donor as a result of the examination. A detailed report with any pertinent findings can be provided to the family within 90 days of donation and may include any genetic abnormalities.


If you are interested in becoming a donor or have questions about the donation process, please contact our Brain Bank team at (713) 500-7336 or