Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll as a donor?
Anyone interested in donating should contact our Brain Bank Team at (713) 500-7336 or [email protected].

Will there be any financial costs or fees to me or my family?
No, there are no costs associated with donation.

Will donation delay any funeral arrangements?
The autopsy and donation process will not interfere with or delay any funeral arrangements.

Will there be any noticeable cosmetic changes that might interfere with an open casket arrangement?
No, the removal process does not cause any disfigurement.

Where is the autopsy done?
Autopsies are performed by one of our highly experienced neuropathologists at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in the Texas Medical Center located in Houston, TX.

When should arrangements for an autopsy be made?
As soon as you reach a decision about donating, you should begin making necessary pre-arrangements. Autopsy preparations must be ready before the time of death. You should share your decision with family members or significant others, and a funeral director to avoid any last-minute conflicts or confusion.

Will the family receive and autopsy report?
Yes, families will receive a complete autopsy report.

Can I choose not to donate after enrollment?
If you feel that donation is not right for you or your family even after you have enrolled, please contact our team at (713) 500-7336 to cancel at any time.