Scholarly Concentrations

Scholarly concentrations are optional and are intended for epilepsy fellows who would like to enhance the standard epilepsy fellowship curriculum with additional educational opportunities, mentorship, and scholarship in a specific area of interest. Each scholarly concentration is designed to be completed in parallel to the standard curriculum over one or two years. Fellows interested in pursuing a scholarly concentration should discuss their interests with the fellowship program director.

Autoimmune Epilepsy

In addition to the standard autoimmune epilepsy didactics and clinical experiences, this scholarly concentration includes the following requirements:

• Autoimmune epilepsy clinic as a key component of the longitudinal continuity clinic training experience. This clinic follows patients who experienced acute symptomatic seizures secondary to autoimmune encephalitis as well as those who progress to autoimmune-associated epilepsy. This clinic is staffed with both epilepsy and neuroimmunology faculty.
• Complete a curated reading list of key publications on acute symptomatic seizures secondary to autoimmune encephalitis and autoimmune-associated epilepsy
• Serve as first point of contact for an inpatient consult service for acute symptomatic seizures secondary to autoimmune encephalitis and autoimmune-associated epilepsy
• Complete an autoimmune-associated epilepsy research project under the guidance of faculty with the goal of presentation at a conference and/or manuscript submission for publication


In addition to the standard epilepsy genetics didactics and clinical experiences, this scholarly concentration includes the following requirements:

• Epilepsy genetics clinics as a key component of the longitudinal continuity clinic training experience
• With mentorship and under direct supervision, present monthly epilepsy genetics case discussions
• Complete a curated reading list of key publications on the topic of epilepsy genetics
• Attend genetics team meetings as clinical duties allow
• Attend at least one patient visit with epilepsy genetics counselor
• Complete a genetics research project under the guidance of faculty with the goal of presentation at a conference and/or manuscript submission for publication

Intracranial EEG

In addition to the standard intracranial EEG didactics and clinical experiences, this scholarly concentration includes the following requirements:

• Complete a curated reading list of key publications on the topic of intracranial EEG
• With mentorship and under direct supervision, prioritized opportunities to read and report intracranial EEG studies early in fellowship
• Collaborate with faculty expert in intracranial EEG on SEEG evaluations, analysis and cortical mapping
• Participate in planning SEEG trajectories for cases discussed in patient management conference
• Complete an intracranial EEG research project under the guidance of faculty with the goal of presentation at a conference and/or manuscript submission for publication
• Opportunity to attend one of the annual SEEG courses

Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

In addition to the standard MEG didactics and clinical experiences, this scholarly concentration includes the following requirements:

• Complete a curated reading list of key publications on the topic of MEG
• Participate in weekly MEG review conference
• Participate in MEG teaching session/journal club twice per month
• Present at MEG teaching session/journal club 1-2 times per year
• With mentorship and under direct supervision, present MEG results for at least 3 cases in patient management conference
• Complete a MEG research project under the guidance of faculty with the goal of presentation at a conference and/or manuscript submission for publication
• Opportunity to attend the annual American Clinical MEG Society (ACMEGS) course/conference

Medical Education

In addition to the standard medical education/teaching opportunities for all epilepsy fellows, the medical education scholarly concentration includes the following requirements:

• Complete the Physician Educator Certificate Program through the Office of Educational Programs (
• Complete at least 6 of the monthly Educator Development Workshops (1 hour) offered through the Office of Educational Programs. These are available live or can be streamed online if needed.
• Participate in simulation lab workshop for medical students (status epilepticus simulation for MS3s or neurology skills showcase lab for SIGN/P students)
• Contribute to a module or section for EEG Master website (
• Give one or more formal didactics for neurology residents or medical students. Utilize post-didactic feedback surveys.
• Learn how to develop an Educator Portfolio:
• Complete a scholarly educational research project under the guidance of faculty with the goal of presentation at a conference and/or manuscript submission for publication
• Opportunity to attend a medical education conference


In addition to the standard neuromodulation didactics and clinical experiences, this scholarly concentration includes the following requirements:

• Neuromodulation clinic as a key component of the longitudinal continuity clinic training experience
• With mentorship and under direct supervision, evaluate and analyze neuromodulation data and lead monthly neuromodulation patient review/discussions
• Complete a curated reading list of landmark neuromodulation trials and key publications
• Complete a neuromodulation research project under the guidance of faculty with the goal of presentation at a conference and/or manuscript submission for publication
• Opportunity to serve as Neuromodulation Chief Fellow