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Brain Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Research

Primary GBM

ONC201 for the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed H3 K27M-mutant Diffuse Glioma Following Completion of Radiotherapy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study

Investigator: Jay-Jiguang Zhu, MD, PHD

Lead CRC: Austin Lu

UTHealth Number: HSC-MS-23-0526

Purpose: ONC201 treatment of Newly Diagnosed H3 K27M-mutant Diffuse Glioma Following Completion of Radiotherapy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study

Trial Summary: Tests a treatment with oral ONC201 for people who have been newly diagnosed with a diffuse midline glioma (a brain tumor) following their initial radiation treatment.

Compound: Dordaviprone (ONC201)

Study Phase: 3

Sponsor: Chimerix, Inc.

NCT#: 05580562

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Investigator: Yoshua Esquenazi, MD

Lead CRC: Mia Vu

Purpose: Expanded Access Protocol for Dendritic Cell immunotherapy for GBM

Enrollment Status: Upcoming

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Investigator: Yoshua Esquenazi Levy, MD

Lead CRC: Mia Vu

Purpose: GammaTile for newly diagnosed GBM.

Enrollment Status: Upcoming

NCT#: 05342883

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Investigator: Jay Jiguang Zhu, MD, PHD

Lead CRC: Eva Schumann

Purpose: A Pivotal Randomized, Open-Label study of Optune Concomitant with Radiation Therapy and Temozolomide for the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma

Key Inclusion Criteria: Adult patients with confirmed diagnosis of GBM; Recovered from maximal debulking surgery; Planned treatment with RT/TMZ followed by maintenance TMZ.

Enrollment Status: Closed

NCT#: 4471844


Investigator: Jay Jiguang Zhu, MD, PHD

Lead CRC: Eva Schumann

Purpose: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 3 Study of Enzastaurin Added to Temozolomide During and Following Radiation Therapy in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Patients Who Possess the Novel Genomic Biomarker DGM1.

Key Inclusion Criteria: Histologically proven, newly diagnosed supratentorial glioblastoma (IDH mutant is excluded) based on the WHO classification (2016) which includes gliosarcoma (GS); prior diagnosis of lower grade astrocytoma that has been upgraded to histologically confirmed glioblastoma is eligible if chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatment-naïve. DGM1 biomarker status (positive or negative) is available prior to randomization.

Enrollment Status: Closed

NCT#: 3776071


Investigator: Jay Jiguang Zhu, MD, PHD

Lead CRC: William Guerra

Purpose: A Randomized Phase II/III Open-Label Study of Ipilimumab and Nivolumab versus Temozolomide in Patients with Newly Diagnosed MGMT Unmethylated Glioblastoma.

Key Inclusion Criteria: Adult patients with no known IDH mutation; Proven diagnosis of glioblastoma; MGMT promoter without methylation confirmed by central pathology review.

Enrollment Status: Closed

NCT#: 4396860

EAF 151

Investigator: Jay Jiguang Zhu, MD, PHD

Lead CRC: William Guerra

Purpose: Change in Relative Cerebral Blood Volume as a Biomarker for Early Response to Bevacizumab in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastoma.

Key Inclusion Criteria: Recurrent glioblastoma patients planned to be treated with Bevacizumab.

Enrollment Status: Closed

NCT#: 3115333


Investigator: Mark Amsbaugh, PHD

Lead CRC: William Guerra

Purpose: A Safety Run-In and Phase II Study Evaluating the Efficacy, Safety, and Impact on the Tumor Microenvironment of the Combination of Tocilizumab, Atezolizumab, and Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Recurrent Glioblastoma.

Key Inclusion Criteria: Histopathologically proven diagnosis of glioblastoma, OR molecular diagnosis of glioblastoma per c-IMPACT-NOW criteria. Tumor that is in first recurrence following prior first-line radiation therapy (prior dose ≥40Gy).

Enrollment Status: Closed

NCT#: 4729959

DC Cells GBM

Investigator: Yoshua Esquenazi, MD

Lead CRC: Eva Schumann

Purpose: A Phase I Study of Th-1 Dendritic Cell Immunotherapy in Combination with Standard Chemoradiation for the Adjuvant Treatment of Adult Glioblastoma.

Key Inclusion Criteria: Diagnosed with GBM deemed to be potentially resectable and who are deemed to be good candidate for postoperative adjuvant chemo and radiation therapy. Ability to adhere to the bi-weekly injections of DC vaccine regimen.

Enrollment Status: Closed

NCT#: 4552886

Recurring GBM

Upcoming: SC9-GBM-03

Investigator: Yoshua Esquenazi Levy, MD

Lead CRC: Mia Vu

Purpose: Recurrent Glioblastoma Surgically Implanted BBB Disrupter with Carboplatin

Enrollment Status: Enrolling Soon

NCT#: 05902169

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Brain Metastases


Investigator: Jay-Jiguang Zhu, MD, PhD

Lead CRC: Austin Lu

Purpose: Determine the Safety and Efficacy 186RNL for Leptomeningeal Metastases.

Enrollment Status: Upcoming

NCT#: 01906385

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METIS: Pivotal, open-label, randomized study of radiosurgery with or without Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) for 1-10 brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Investigator: Jay-Jiguang Zhu, MD, PhD

Purpose: To test the efficacy, safety and neurocognitive outcomes of advanced NSCLC patients, following stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for 1 inoperable brain metastasis or 2-10 brain metastases, treated with NovoTTF-100M and supportive treatment compared to supportive treatment alone.

Key Inclusion Criteria: New diagnosis of brain metastases from a histologically or cytologically confirmed primary or metastatic NSCLC tumor within 5 years of registration on the study, KPS≥ 70, 1 inoperable brain metastasis or 2– 10 brain lesions per screening MRI.

Enrollment Status: Closed


Investigator: Jay-Jiguang Zhu, MD, PhD

Purpose: Genomically-guided treatment trial in brain metasteses.

Key Inclusion Criteria: Histologically confirmed parenchymal metastatic disease to the brain from any solid tumor.

Enrollment Status: Closed

NCT#: 3994796


Investigator: Jay-Jiguang Zhu, MD, PHD

Lead CRC: Mia Vu

Purpose: ABM1310 Monotherapy for Advanced Solid Tumors with BRAF Mutation

Enrollment Status: Closed

NCT#: 04190628

Genomically-Guided Treatment Trial in Brain Metastases

Investigator: Ankush Bhatia, MD

Lead CRC: Kristen Clemons

Purpose: To determine if patients with brain metastases harboring CDK, PI3K, NTRK/ROS1 inhibitors will predict sensitivity to these inhibitors, with targeted therapies.

Key Inclusion Criteria: Histologically confirmed metastatic disease to the brain from any solid tumor; No known leptomeningeal involvement; (concurrent administration of anticancer therapies and chemotherapy within 14 days prior to entering the study are excluded)

Contact Us: To learn more about this trial, please fill out this short online form »


NeMeRe Neoplastic Meningitis Registry

Investigator: Jay Jiguang Zhu, MD, PHD

Purpose: To collect information abut adults wit hNeoplastic Meningitis to better understadn the condition (collaborative study with Penn State)

Key Inclusion Criteria: 18 yrs and older with dx of neoplastic meningitis

Enrollment Status: Closed

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