Botox in Houston, TX

Botox is a neurotoxin that is injected for both medical and cosmetic reasons. It works by temporarily blocking nerve signals to the muscles in which it is injected.  This results in temporary muscle paralysis or reduced activity. 

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Benefitswhite woman with brown hair in a bun

There are many benefits of botox. From a cosmetic standpoint, botox can lift the brow, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and prevent wrinkles from forming over time. It can also slim the face and narrow the jaw. Botox also has many medical uses from reducing migraine severity, TMJ discomfort/pain, muscle spasms, excessive sweating among others. 

Treatment Areas

There are many areas that can be treated with botox based on what your goals are. These include the forehead, the brow, the eyes, a gummy smile, the TMJ, headaches, underarm for sweating and more. 

Surgery/Treatment Process

The injection for botox is done in the office. The procedure is quick and does not require topical or local anesthetic. A small needle is used to target the muscles that we desire to treat. 

Am I a Candidate?

We recommend an in person consultation to discuss your areas of concern and risks and benefits of treatment to the area to determine your candidacy. 

Recovery Process/Downtime

There are minimal restrictions or downtime for botox. For the next several hours, we recommend that patients avoid touching, massaging or rubbing the treated areas. We also recommend staying upright for at least 4 hours after injection to help botox settle into the target areas. Lastly, we recommend avoiding strenuous activities that might increase blood flow to the treated areas for 24 hours.

How Long do Results Last?

Results typically last 3-4 months, they will last as long as the botox lasts. 


The cost of botox will depend on how many units are injected and the number of areas treated. For medical botox, insurance will sometimes cover the cost of treatment. 

Risk/Side Effects

When botox diffuses into areas we don’t intend it to, it can cause undesired effects such as drooping of the eyelids, difficulty swallowing, difficulty chewing. More often than not, you may notice some slight asymmetry initially that resolves over the next 1-2 weeks. For persistent asymmetry after that time, we recommend a small touch up to resolve the asymmetry. 

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Reviews: Five stars: …had a consultation for a facelift and neck lift with Dr. Ho, he explained all the techniques in detail, he is very knowledgeable, friendly, no pressure… ; five stars: … This is one of the best ran medical offices you could be seen in… I love Dr. Kao, her knowledge in her field is commendable. She made me feel very confident …; five stars: …Dr. Ho and the entire team were genuine and super helpful. One of the best healthcare experiences I've had in my lifetime…; five stars: …Great ambiance, friendly staff, incredibly knowledgeable physician. As a doctor myself, I have high expectations for clinic and they exceeded all my expectations...