Resident Opportunities
Global Health Lecture Series
“Essentials of Global Health” is a lecture series with board-relevant information embedded into the Academic Half Day schedule. This series ensures that all our residents get a taste of global child health during their training.
Customized Curriculum
Residents interested in global health can receive individualized curriculum that aligns with their rotation schedule. These self-paced learning opportunities help trainees understand the global health issues and innovations pertaining to their current rotation.
Global Health Supper Club
Our Global Health Supper Club is a monthly off-site event that provides interactive skills training, simulation cases, and discussions of global health ethics. Food is catered from amazing, diverse local restaurants and trainees practice skills needed for global health clinical work, such as building a bubble CPAP device and mixing malnutrition formulas.
Global Health Journal Club
Our Pediatric Global Health Program has partnered with Texas Children’s Hospital to participate in their quarterly journal clubs. The events include dinner and lively discussions of new advances in global child health.
Global Health Electives
Senior residents can spend a month rotating with one of our Partners. Prior to the rotation, residents will prepare by completing pre-departure curriculum (“Global Health Passport”) and meeting with their global health mentor. Following the elective, residents are encouraged to present their experiences during Academic Half Day and other conference times. See Our Partners for current options.
Global Health Leadership Track
Our Leadership Tracks offer a 2-year longitudinal curriculum for residents with specific career interests. The Global Health Leadership Track is designed for residents with a strong interest in improving global child health equity and in pursuing global health careers. The two years will include mentorship, an individualized monthly curriculum, an international clinical elective, and a global health scholarly project.