Quality and Patient Safety

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The Quality and Patient Safety program aims to continually analyze current processes by applying quality improvement science to increase the quality of care and overall health for pediatric patients. Our quality improvement projects are performed by residents, faculty, and staff from UT Health- Houston’s Department of Pediatrics in efforts to exceed standards and develop new benchmark goals.

About Us    

The Department of Pediatrics developed a board, the UT Quality Council, that meets monthly to discuss ways to refine process efficiency and determine ways to improve health statistics. Members of the UT Quality Council are not only distinguished physicians in Pediatrics, but also work as Mentors to UT Health Houston’s medical students and residents. Our members have a passion for both quality improvement and ensuring patient safety while under care at any of our affiliates. Since 2017, the Pediatrics Department has submitted over 130 quality improvement projects. Many of the quality and patient safety initiatives have been presented to quality symposiums and resulted in numerous publications.

Department of Pediatrics members can find more information on our intranet site, SharePoint.