Lab News


Shannon won the Travel Award at the Weinstein Cardiovascular Development & Regeneration Conference (San Diego, CA). Congratulations!


Sherry presented her work at the Texas Bone Program Annual Scientific Retreat, and won the Rolanette and Berdon Lawrence Bone Research Award Finalist (Houston, TX). Congratulations!


Jun won the American Heart Association Established Investigator Award. Congratulations!


Sherry presented her work at the Anatomy Connected 2003 and won the Travel Award (Washington, DC). Congratulations!


Mingjie won the Young Investigator Award from the 17th ACRE/CAAC/CNAHA Joint Research Symposium 2022 (virtual). Congratulations!



Mingjie presented his work at the G&E retreat, Galveston , TX.

This work “Hippo-Yap Signaling Maintains Sinoatrial Node Homeostasis” was recently published at Circulation and reported in the recent news.


Our work “Yap and Taz promote osteogenesis and prevent chondrogenesis in neural crest cells in vitro and in vivo” was highlighted as Cover of Science Signaling and reported in the recent news.


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Sherry presented her work at the 45nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology (SCGDB), San Diego, CA.

This work was recently accepted for publication by Science Signaling.


Our collaborative work “LATS1/2 control TGFB-directed epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in the murine dorsal cranial neuroepithelium through YAP regulation” was highlighted as Cover of Development



Tram’s white coat ceremony at UT Austin Dell Medical School.


Shannon successfully defended her M.S. Congratulations!

She received Ph.D. admissions to Graduate Schools and decided to continue her Ph.D. at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth GSBS.

Jun is officially on the Early Career Committee of the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences, the American Heart Association (term 07/01/2022- 6/30/2024). She looks forward to serving the scientific community, especially providing support to Early Career Investigators! 

Jun won Transformational Project Award from the American Heart Association. Congratulations!


Our collaborative work “Integrated multi-omic characterization of congenital heart disease” was published on Nature.


Tram received admissions to Medical Schools. Congratulations!

She will leave lab to start her new journey at Dell Medical School, The University of Texas at Austin.


Shannon won 2nd place Award of Oral Presentations at GSBS Student Research Day, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth GSBS. Congratulations!


Shannon and Mingjie won Travel Fellowship Award and Foundation Leducq Best Oral Presentation Award, the Weinstein Cardiovascular Development & Regeneration Conference (Marseille, France). Congratulations!

Sherry won Third-place Award at SCBA -Texas Chapter 2022 Annual Symposium. Congratulations!

Sherry won travel award for American Association of Anatomists Annual meeting in conjunction with the Experimental Biology Annual meeting (Philadelphia, PA). Congratulations!


Jun was a nominated Speaker at Breakthrough Discovery Symposium, McGovern Medical School UTH (the symposium highlights the work is worthy of recognition for its innovation and significance.) It was great to share the Wang lab research with colleagues!


Mingjie Postdoctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association. Congratulations!


Shannon won 2nd place Award of Oral Presentations at the  MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School G&E Program 2021 Annual Retreat. Congratulations!

Mingjie published a first authored paper “Bmp Signaling Regulates Hand1 in a Dose-Dependent Manner during Heart Development” on Int J Mol Sci. Congratulations!

Jun won John S. Dunn Foundation Collaborative Research Award. Congratulations!

Tram published a first authored paper ” An Optimized O9-1/Hydrogel System for Studying Mechanical Signals in Neural Crest Cells” on J Vis Exp. Congratulations! 


Jun won 2nd place award for non-science category at Biochemistry& Cell Biology 2021 Art show contest, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth GSBS. Congratulations! 

Shannon published a first authored paper “
The Cardiac Neural Crest Cells in Heart Development and Congenital Heart Defects. “on J Cardiovasc Dev Dis. Congratulations! 

Sherry published a first authored paper “Hippo-Yap Pathway Orchestrates Neural Crest Ontogenesis” on Front Cell Dev Biol. Congratulations!

Mingjie published a first authored paper “The Hippo Pathway in Cardiac Regeneration and Homeostasis: New Perspectives for Cell-Free Therapy in the Injured Heart” on Biomolecules. Congratulations!


Shannon was the Finalist for Pre-Candidacy PhD and MS, Recipient of the 1st year Bonus Award at GSBS Student Research Day, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth GSBS. Congratulations!

Both Sherry and Shannon won Third-place Award at SCBA -Texas Chapter 2021 Annual Symposium. Congratulations!

Jun will be promoted to Associate Professor effective 09/2021. Congratulations!

Sherry was recipient of American Association for Anatomy (AAA) Registration Award for Experimental Biology 2021. Congratulations!


Jun won the Rising Star Award for the 2020 Women Faculty Forum. Congratulations!


Birthday party for Grace and Joan, what a fun to have close birthdays and celebrate together!

Sherry gave a platform talk at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology (SCGDB) and won award from the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB). Congratulations!

Jun is officially on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Physiology as a Review Editor. She looks forward to serving the scientific community!

Sherry gave her first platform talk in US at Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) -Texas Chapter 2019 Annual Symposium. Congratulations!

Sherry gave her first poster presentation in US at 2019 Scientific Retreat – The Bone Disease Program of Texas.  Congratulations!

Jun is featured in the Pediatric Research Center News Letter April – May 2019 Vol. 8, No. 5

Bao published his first authored paper on J Vis Exp. Congratulations!

Jun is awarded for The University of Texas System Rising STARs award 2018-2021 and will join UTH at 12/01/2018. Congratulations!