Pathway Comparison – Page Four

Continued from page three…

Order Broad Pathway Pathway description Unique id Annotations Description Clone GB acc UG cluster Gene symbol Defined gene lists Parametric p-value Geometric mean of ratios (class Disease /class Normal )
2290 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003283_01 Info Topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha (170kD) H003283_01 J04088 156346 TOP2A Apoptotic DNA fragmentation and tissue homeostasis, DNA_adducts, DNA_damage, DNA_replication 0.0203748 0.733
2291 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002533_01 Info ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 6 H002533_01 AF076622 274260 ABCC6 0.0229826 1.478
2292 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003410_01 Info Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (melanoma, p16, inhibits CDK4) H003410_01 U26727 1174 CDKN2A Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , CTCF: First Multivalent Nuclear Factor, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, immunology, tsonc 0.0245577 0.782
2293 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002789_01 Info Tumor protein p53 (Li-Fraumeni syndrome) H002789_01 NM_000546 1846 TP53 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, ATM Signaling Pathway, BTG family proteins and cell cycle regulation, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Chaperones modulate interferon Signaling Pathway, CTCF: First Multivalent Nuclear Factor, Double Stranded RNA Induced Gene Expression, Estrogen-responsive protein Efp controls cell cycle and breast tumors growth, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, Overview of telomerase protein component gene hTert Transcriptional Regulation , p53 Signaling Pathway, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of cell cycle progression by Plk3, Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML, Role of BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATR in Cancer Susceptibility, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, DNA_damage, gene_regulation, immunology, transcription, tsonc 0.0273242 1.207
2294 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003759_01 Info Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2D (p19, inhibits CDK4) H003759_01 U40343 29656 CDKN2D Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation 0.0311312 1.253
2295 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002149_01 Info Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21, Cip1) H002149_01 U03106 179665 CDKN1A ATM Signaling Pathway, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, Effects of calcineurin in Keratinocyte Differentiation, Erythropoietin mediated neuroprotection through NF-kB, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, p53 Signaling Pathway, immunology, tsonc 0.0349766 1.236
2296 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002424_01 Info Bleomycin hydrolase H002424_01 X92106 78943 BLMH immunology, pharmacology 0.0414602 0.81
2297 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H007820_01 Info Retinoic acid receptor-beta associated open reading frame H007820_01 S82362 1938 LOC51036 Control of Gene Expression by Vitamin D Receptor, DNA_adducts, DNA_damage, gene_regulation, transcription 0.0421365 0.794
2298 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003156_01 Info V-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog B (nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide H003156_01 M83221 858 RELB tsonc 0.0527226 1.209
2299 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H007892_01 Info Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIC (mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase), polypeptide 19 H007892_01 M61854 198501 CYP2C19 Fatty acid metabolism, gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane degradation, Tryptophan metabolism, pharmacology 0.0560255 0.801
2300 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003713_01 Info Topoisomerase (DNA) II beta (180kD) H003713_01 X68060 75248 TOP2B Control of Gene Expression by Vitamin D Receptor, DNA_adducts, DNA_damage, gene_regulation, transcription 0.075384 0.83
2301 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002473_01 Info Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor H002473_01 NM_000875 239176 IGF1R Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is regulated via AKT/mTOR pathway, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, The IGF-1 Receptor and Longevity, immunology 0.079692 1.158
2302 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003600_01 Info Epoxide hydrolase 2, cytoplasmic H003600_01 L05779 113 EPHX2 Tetrachloroethene degradation, immunology, metabolism, pharmacology 0.092835 0.858
2303 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002323_01 Info Cyclin E1 H002323_01 M74093 9700 CCNE1 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, CDK Regulation of DNA Replication, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cyclin E Destruction Pathway, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, E2F1 Destruction Pathway, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, p53 Signaling Pathway, Regulation of p27 Phosphorylation during Cell Cycle Progression, cell_cycle 0.1107382 0.884
2304 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003376_01 Info Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator H003376_01 M69238 166172 ARNT Ahr Signal Transduction Pathway, Erythropoietin mediated neuroprotection through NF-kB, Hypoxia-Inducible Factor in the Cardiovascular System, VEGF, Hypoxia, and Angiogenesis, angiogenesis, immunology 0.1249479 1.133
2305 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H014546_01 Info Peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A) H014546_01 NM_021130 182937 PPIA IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation 0.129858 1.176
2306 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003023_01 Info Dihydrofolate reductase H003023_01 NM_000791 83765 DHFR Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Folate biosynthesis, One carbon pool by folate, immunology, pharmacology 0.1336155 0.862
2307 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003550_01 Info Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 2 (p49/p100) H003550_01 S76638 73090 NFKB2 gene_regulation, immunology, transcription, tsonc 0.1593331 1.165
2308 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H001986_01 Info Aryl hydrocarbon receptor H001986_01 NM_001621 170087 AHR Ahr Signal Transduction Pathway, gene_regulation, immunology, transcription 0.1792938 1.117
2309 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002091_01 Info V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog H002091_01 K02276 79070 MYC Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CTCF: First Multivalent Nuclear Factor, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha), Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP inhibit the apoptosis of activated T cells, Overview of telomerase protein component gene hTert Transcriptional Regulation , p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , Role of EGF Receptor Transactivation by GPCRs in Cardiac Hypertrophy, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, WNT Signaling Pathway, gene_regulation, immunology, transcription, tsonc 0.1797519 0.824
2310 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003810_01 Info Superoxide dismutase 1, soluble (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1 (adult)) H003810_01 X02317 75428 SOD1 Cardiac Protection Against ROS , Free Radical Induced Apoptosis, immunology, pharmacology 0.1871555 1.13
2311 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003242_01 Info Excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 3 (xeroderma pig H003242_01 M31899 77929 ERCC3 CARM1 and Regulation of the Estrogen Receptor, Chromatin Remodeling by hSWI/SNF ATP-dependent Complexes, Nuclear receptors coordinate the activities of chromatin remodeling complexes and coactivators to facilitate initiation of transcription in carcinoma cells, DNA_damage, DNA_replication, immunology 0.2157492 0.873
2312 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003042_01 Info BCL2-like 1 H003042_01 Z23115 305890 BCL2L1 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Opposing roles of AIF in Apoptosis and Cell Survival, Ras Signaling Pathway, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Role of Mitochondria in Apoptotic Signaling, apoptosis, immunology 0.2336065 1.143
2313 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003605_01 Info BCL2-associated X protein H003605_01 L22474 159428 BAX Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, p53 Signaling Pathway, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Role of Mitochondria in Apoptotic Signaling, apoptosis, development, immunology 0.253339 0.907
2314 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003514_01 Info Cytochrome P450, subfamily I (aromatic compound-inducible), polypeptide 2 H003514_01 M55053 1361 CYP1A2 Mechanism of Acetaminophen Activity and Toxicity, Nuclear Receptors in Lipid Metabolism and Toxicity, Fatty acid metabolism, gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane degradation, Tryptophan metabolism, immunology, pharmacology 0.2704204 1.089
2315 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H011468_01 Info ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G (WHITE), member 2 H011468_01 AF103796 194720 ABCG2 0.2713892 0.876
2316 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002577_01 Info MutL (E. coli) homolog 1 (colon cancer, nonpolyposis type 2) H002577_01 U07418 57301 MLH1 DNA_damage, DNA_replication, tsonc 0.2947975 0.894
2317 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003016_01 Info Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor H003016_01 Y00285 76473 IGF2R immunology 0.3174469 1.143
2318 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H001999_01 Info Cyclin D1 (PRAD1: parathyroid adenomatosis 1) H001999_01 X59798 82932 CCND1 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, BTG family proteins and cell cycle regulation, CARM1 and Regulation of the Estrogen Receptor, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, p53 Signaling Pathway, WNT Signaling Pathway, cell_cycle, tsonc 0.3215316 0.898
2319 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002702_01 Info Retinoic acid receptor, gamma H002702_01 M38258 1497 RARG Nuclear Receptors in Lipid Metabolism and Toxicity, development, gene_regulation, transcription 0.4297075 1.087
2320 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002294_01 Info ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 1 H002294_01 X78338 89433 ABCC1 Multi-Drug Resistance Factors 0.4691659 0.928
2321 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002907_01 Info Retinoic acid receptor, alpha H002907_01 X06614 250505 RARA Degradation of the RAR and RXR by the proteasome, Map Kinase Inactivation of SMRT Corepressor, Nuclear receptors coordinate the activities of chromatin remodeling complexes and coactivators to facilitate initiation of transcription in carcinoma cells, Nuclear Receptors in Lipid Metabolism and Toxicity, Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML, Transcription Regulation by Methyltransferase of CARM1, development 0.4825926 1.084
2322 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H000149_01 Info Epoxide hydrolase 1, microsomal (xenobiotic) H000149_01 NM_000120 89649 EPHX1 Eicosanoid Metabolism, Tetrachloroethene degradation, immunology, metabolism, pharmacology 0.512274 0.938
2323 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H001952_01 Info Ribosomal protein L13a H001952_01 X56932 119122 RPL13A 0.565051 1.059
2324 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H006635_01 Info Homo sapiens clone 23607 mRNA sequence H006635_01 AF038181 167825 ALK in cardiac myocytes, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Multi-step Regulation of Transcription by Pitx2, Presenilin action in Notch and Wnt signaling, TGF beta signaling pathway, WNT Signaling Pathway, development, immunology, tsonc 0.6181322 1.041
2325 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002777_01 Info Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIE (ethanol-inducible) H002777_01 J02625 75183 CYP2E Mechanism of Acetaminophen Activity and Toxicity, Nuclear Receptors in Lipid Metabolism and Toxicity, Fatty acid metabolism, gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane degradation, Tryptophan metabolism 0.6229802 0.953
2326 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003538_01 Info Actin, beta H003538_01 NM_001101 288061 ACTB Chromatin Remodeling by hSWI/SNF ATP-dependent Complexes 0.6253266 0.956
2327 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H013267_01 Info Homo sapiens clone R2 ErbB-3 R2 (c-erbB-3) mRNA, partial CDS H013267_01 U88358 306251 Neuroregulin receptor degradation protein-1 Controls ErbB3 receptor recycling, Role of ERBB2 in Signal Transduction and Oncology, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction, tsonc 0.6380266 1.054
2328 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H001853_01 Info Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 1 H001853_01 S74445 7678 CRABP1 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes 0.6817674 0.954
2329 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002094_01 Info Thymidylate synthetase H002094_01 X02308 82962 TYMS One carbon pool by folate, Pyrimidine metabolism, metabolism, pharmacology 0.6945693 1.041
2330 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002029_01 Info V-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3 H002029_01 M34309 199067 ERBB3 Neuroregulin receptor degradation protein-1 Controls ErbB3 receptor recycling, Role of ERBB2 in Signal Transduction and Oncology, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction, tsonc 0.7019431 1.035
2331 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003542_01 Info V-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2 (neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene H003542_01 M11730 323910 ERBB2 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Role of ERBB2 in Signal Transduction and Oncology, Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing, immunology, signal_transduction, tsonc 0.7160857 1.031
2332 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003482_01 Info Catechol-O-methyltransferase H003482_01 NM_000754 240013 COMT Tyrosine metabolism, behavior, immunology 0.777803 1.026
2333 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H006841_01 Info Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564P073 (from clone DKFZp564P073) H006841_01 AL049301 278577 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, p53 Signaling Pathway, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Role of Mitochondria in Apoptotic Signaling, apoptosis, development, immunology 0.7810094 0.98
2334 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H000245_01 Info Peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma H000245_01 L40904 100724 PPARG Basic mechanism of action of PPARa, PPARb(d) and PPARg and effects on gene expression, Nuclear Receptors in Lipid Metabolism and Toxicity, Role of PPAR-gamma Coactivators in Obesity and Thermogenesis, Visceral Fat Deposits and the Metabolic Syndrome 0.7837641 0.944
2335 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003772_01 Info Xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group C H003772_01 D21089 320 XPC DNA_damage, immunology 0.7950726 0.977
2336 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003355_01 Info Retinoid X receptor, gamma H003355_01 U38480 26550 RXRG development 0.8348881 1.017
2337 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H001977_01 Info ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 3 H001977_01 AF085692 90786 ABCC3 Multi-Drug Resistance Factors, Nuclear Receptors in Lipid Metabolism and Toxicity 0.8363263 1.021
2338 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002350_01 Info Peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, alpha H002350_01 L02932 998 PPARA Basic mechanism of action of PPARa, PPARb(d) and PPARg and effects on gene expression, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha), Nuclear Receptors in Lipid Metabolism and Toxicity, Regulation of PGC-1a, �-arrestins in GPCR Desensitization, Toll-Like Receptor Pathway 0.8655149 1.015
2339 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H003711_01 Info Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 (p105) H003711_01 M58603 83428 NFKB1 Acetylation and Deacetylation of RelA in The Nucleus, Activation of PKC through G protein coupled receptor, AKT Signaling Pathway, ATM Signaling Pathway, Bone Remodelling, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CD40L Signaling Pathway, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, Chaperones modulate interferon Signaling Pathway, Corticosteroids and cardioprotection, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, Double Stranded RNA Induced Gene Expression, Erythropoietin mediated neuroprotection through NF-kB, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Free Radical Induced Apoptosis, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Induction of apoptosis through DR3 and DR4/5 Death Receptors , Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Keratinocyte Differentiation, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP inhibit the apoptosis of a … 0.8665095 1.017
2340 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H002373_01 Info MutS (E. coli) homolog 3 H002373_01 U61981 42674 MSH3 DNA_damage, immunology 0.8910817 0.986
2341 drug_resistance_and_metabolism_h BioCarta H015889_01 Info BCL2-like 1 H015889_01 NM_001191 305890 BCL2L1 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Opposing roles of AIF in Apoptosis and Cell Survival, Ras Signaling Pathway, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Role of Mitochondria in Apoptotic Signaling, apoptosis, immunology 0.996743 1.001
2342 il10Pathway_h BioCarta H002638_01 Info Interleukin 10 receptor, beta H002638_01 Z17227 173936 IL10RB immunology 0.0028797 1.503
2343 il10Pathway_h BioCarta H003233_01 Info Biliverdin reductase A H003233_01 X93086 81029 BLVRA Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, IL-10 Anti-inflammatory Signaling Pathway, Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism 0.0063489 1.363
2344 il10Pathway_h BioCarta H002933_01 Info Biliverdin reductase B (flavin reductase (NADPH)) H002933_01 D32143 76289 BLVRB Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism 0.0542266 1.306
2345 il10Pathway_h BioCarta H002710_01 Info Interleukin 10 H002710_01 M57627 193717 IL10 Antigen Dependent B Cell Activation, Cytokine Network, Cytokines and Inflammatory Response, Dendritic cells in regulating TH1 and TH2 Development, IL-10 Anti-inflammatory Signaling Pathway, immunology 0.0986725 0.876
2346 il10Pathway_h BioCarta H003781_01 Info Interleukin 10 receptor, alpha H003781_01 U00672 327 IL10RA IL-10 Anti-inflammatory Signaling Pathway, IL22 Soluble Receptor Signaling Pathway , immunology 0.1863247 1.157
2347 il10Pathway_h BioCarta H001349_01 Info Janus kinase 1 (a protein tyrosine kinase) H001349_01 M64174 50651 JAK1 EGF Signaling Pathway, IFN alpha signaling pathway, IFN gamma signaling pathway , IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 4 signaling pathway, IL-10 Anti-inflammatory Signaling Pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, IL-7 Signal Transduction, PDGF Signaling Pathway, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, immunology, signal_transduction 0.2754104 1.129
2348 il10Pathway_h BioCarta H003110_01 Info Interleukin 6 (interferon, beta 2) H003110_01 X04430 93913 IL6 Cells and Molecules involved in local acute inflammatory response, Cytokine Network, Cytokines and Inflammatory Response, Erythrocyte Differentiation Pathway, IL 17 Signaling Pathway, IL 5 Signaling Pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-10 Anti-inflammatory Signaling Pathway, Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) pathway during atherogenesis, Regulation of hematopoiesis by cytokines, Role of ERBB2 in Signal Transduction and Oncology, Signal transduction through IL1R, immunology 0.680804 1.036
2349 rbPathway_h BioCarta H003112_01 Info Retinoblastoma 1 (including osteosarcoma) H003112_01 L41870 75770 RB1 BTG family proteins and cell cycle regulation, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Chaperones modulate interferon Signaling Pathway, Cyclin E Destruction Pathway, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, E2F1 Destruction Pathway, FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha), Overview of telomerase RNA component gene hTerc Transcriptional Regulation, p53 Signaling Pathway, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of p27 Phosphorylation during Cell Cycle Progression, Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, TNFR1 Signaling Pathway, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, immunology, tsonc 0.0008596 0.674
2350 rbPathway_h BioCarta H002412_01 Info Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 H002412_01 M68520 19192 CDK2 CDK Regulation of DNA Replication, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cyclin E Destruction Pathway, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, E2F1 Destruction Pathway, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, p53 Signaling Pathway, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of p27 Phosphorylation during Cell Cycle Progression, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, immunology, signal_transduction 0.0040171 0.711
2351 rbPathway_h BioCarta H002304_01 Info Cell division cycle 25B H002304_01 S78187 153752 CDC25B 0.0167858 0.8
2352 rbPathway_h BioCarta H003739_01 Info Cell division cycle 2, G1 to S and G2 to M H003739_01 X05360 184572 CDC2 Activation of Src by Protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha, AKAP95 role in mitosis and chromosome dynamics, cdc25 and chk1 Regulatory Pathway in response to DNA damage, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Protein Kinase A at the Centrosome, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of Splicing through Sam68, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) Receptor Ptc1 Regulates cell cycle, Stathmin and breast cancer resistance to antimicrotubule agents, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle 0.0222229 0.733
2353 rbPathway_h BioCarta H002789_01 Info Tumor protein p53 (Li-Fraumeni syndrome) H002789_01 NM_000546 1846 TP53 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, ATM Signaling Pathway, BTG family proteins and cell cycle regulation, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Chaperones modulate interferon Signaling Pathway, CTCF: First Multivalent Nuclear Factor, Double Stranded RNA Induced Gene Expression, Estrogen-responsive protein Efp controls cell cycle and breast tumors growth, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, Overview of telomerase protein component gene hTert Transcriptional Regulation , p53 Signaling Pathway, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of cell cycle progression by Plk3, Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML, Role of BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATR in Cancer Susceptibility, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, DNA_damage, gene_regulation, immunology, transcription, tsonc 0.0273242 1.207
2354 rbPathway_h BioCarta H003048_01 Info Cell division cycle 25C H003048_01 M34065 656 CDC25C How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Regulation of cell cycle progression by Plk3, cell_cycle, cell_signaling 0.1856754 1.116
2355 rbPathway_h BioCarta H007143_01 Info Hypothetical protein FLJ10883 H007143_01 AB028973 184628 FLJ10883 cdc25 and chk1 Regulatory Pathway in response to DNA damage, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage 0.2391265 0.908
2356 rbPathway_h BioCarta H008573_01 Info Myelin transcription factor 1 H008573_01 M96980 279562 MYT1 cdc25 and chk1 Regulatory Pathway in response to DNA damage, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage 0.3193113 1.107
2357 rbPathway_h BioCarta H002782_01 Info Wee1+ (S. pombe) homolog H002782_01 X62048 75188 WEE1 cdc25 and chk1 Regulatory Pathway in response to DNA damage, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, immunology 0.4033875 1.142
2358 mprPathway_h BioCarta H003415_01 Info Protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, beta H003415_01 M34181 87773 PRKACB Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.0048904 0.647
2359 mprPathway_h BioCarta H002890_01 Info Ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kD, polypeptide 1 H002890_01 L07597 149957 RPS6KA1 Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Melanocyte Development and Pigmentation Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Role of Erk5 in Neuronal Survival, Transcription factor CREB and its extracellular signals, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.0138896 1.42
2360 mprPathway_h BioCarta H003739_01 Info Cell division cycle 2, G1 to S and G2 to M H003739_01 X05360 184572 CDC2 Activation of Src by Protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha, AKAP95 role in mitosis and chromosome dynamics, cdc25 and chk1 Regulatory Pathway in response to DNA damage, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Protein Kinase A at the Centrosome, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of Splicing through Sam68, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) Receptor Ptc1 Regulates cell cycle, Stathmin and breast cancer resistance to antimicrotubule agents, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle 0.0222229 0.733
2361 mprPathway_h BioCarta H002371_01 Info Cyclin B1 H002371_01 M25753 23960 CCNB1 Activation of Src by Protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha, AKAP95 role in mitosis and chromosome dynamics, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) Receptor Ptc1 Regulates cell cycle, Stathmin and breast cancer resistance to antimicrotubule agents, cell_cycle 0.037756 0.797
2362 mprPathway_h BioCarta H003178_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 H003178_01 X60188 861 MAPK3 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Influence of Ras and Rho … 0.0986041 1.184
2363 mprPathway_h BioCarta H000398_01 Info Protein (peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting 1 H000398_01 U49070 161362 PIN1 How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation 0.1163659 1.163
2364 mprPathway_h BioCarta H003048_01 Info Cell division cycle 25C H003048_01 M34065 656 CDC25C How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Regulation of cell cycle progression by Plk3, cell_cycle, cell_signaling 0.1856754 1.116
2365 mprPathway_h BioCarta H007143_01 Info Hypothetical protein FLJ10883 H007143_01 AB028973 184628 FLJ10883 cdc25 and chk1 Regulatory Pathway in response to DNA damage, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage 0.2391265 0.908
2366 mprPathway_h BioCarta H001698_01 Info Protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, regulatory, type II, alpha H001698_01 X14968 289075 PRKAR2A AKAP95 role in mitosis and chromosome dynamics, Protein Kinase A at the Centrosome, Rho-Selective Guanine Exchange Factor AKAP13 Mediates Stress Fiber Formation 0.2569617 1.125
2367 mprPathway_h BioCarta H008573_01 Info Myelin transcription factor 1 H008573_01 M96980 279562 MYT1 cdc25 and chk1 Regulatory Pathway in response to DNA damage, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage 0.3193113 1.107
2368 mprPathway_h BioCarta H013009_01 Info Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein H013009_01 L12168 104125 CAP 0.4133824 1.094
2369 mprPathway_h BioCarta H000645_01 Info Protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, regulatory, type I, alpha (tissue specific extinguisher 1) H000645_01 M33336 183037 PRKAR1A Activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.4305614 0.935
2370 mprPathway_h BioCarta H000460_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1 H000460_01 AL049933 203862 GNAI1 Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.7235673 1.046
2371 mprPathway_h BioCarta H006522_01 Info Neuroendocrine secretory protein 55 H006522_01 AF105253 113368 NESP55 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA, Activation of Csk by cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits Signaling through the T Cell Receptor, Attenuation of GPCR Signaling, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, ChREBP regulation by carbohydrates and cAMP, Corticosteroids and cardioprotection, Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and beta 2 adrenergic receptor (b2AR) pathway, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Ion Channels and Their Functional Role in Vascular Endothelium, Phospholipase C-epsilon pathway, Regulation of Spermatogenesis by CREM, Role of �-arrestins in the activation and targeting of MAP kinases, Roles of �-arrestin-dependent Recruitment of Src Kinases in GPCR Signaling, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, �-arrestins in GPCR Desensitization, Transcription factor CREB and its extracellular signals 0.7456375 1.036
2372 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H000632_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 3 H000632_01 M27543 73799 GNAI3 4.65e-05 0.599
2373 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H005429_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 2 H005429_01 X04828 77269 GNAI2 0.0105146 1.325
2374 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H001062_01 Info N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) H001062_01 U70063 75811 ASAH Perou’s – Intrinsic- Breast-Cancer-Genes, Activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA, Activation of Csk by cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits Signaling through the T Cell Receptor, ChREBP regulation by carbohydrates and cAMP, Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and beta 2 adrenergic receptor (b2AR) pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Ion Channels and Their Functional Role in Vascular Endothelium, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Phospholipase C-epsilon pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Regulation of Spermatogenesis by CREM, Role of �-arrestins in the activation and targeting of MAP kinases, Roles of �-arrestin-dependent Recruitment of Src Kinases in GPCR Signaling, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, �-arrestins in GPCR Desensitization, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, Transcription factor CREB and its … 0.0187984 1.357
2375 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H016134_01 Info V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2 H016134_01 NM_001626 326445 AKT2 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction, tsonc 0.0530988 1.287
2376 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H002588_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 H002588_01 U29725 3080 MAPK7 Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Role of Erk5 in Neuronal Survival, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.0614441 0.811
2377 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H003178_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 H003178_01 X60188 861 MAPK3 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Influence of Ras and Rho … 0.0986041 1.184
2378 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H002346_01 Info Phospholipase C, beta 2 H002346_01 M95678 994 PLCB2 Inositol phosphate metabolism, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.158235 1.161
2379 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H015734_01 Info Sphingosine kinase type 2 isoform H015734_01 AL136701 301305 SPHK2 0.215668 1.15
2380 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H008919_01 Info Endothelial differentiation, sphingolipid G-protein-coupled receptor, 5 H008919_01 AF034780 202672 EDG5 0.251348 1.101
2381 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H003497_01 Info V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2 H003497_01 M77198 326445 AKT2 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction, tsonc 0.3314111 0.872
2382 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H008328_01 Info Endothelial differentiation, sphingolipid G-protein-coupled receptor, 1 H008328_01 AF233365 154210 EDG1 Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, immunology 0.3391872 0.905
2383 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H001368_01 Info Phosphoinositide-3-kinase, class 2, beta polypeptide H001368_01 Y11312 132463 PIK3C2B Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.5573946 0.949
2384 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H016485_01 Info Sphingosine kinase 1 H016485_01 NM_021972 68061 SPHK1 Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, Glycosphingolipid metabolism 0.586652 1.06
2385 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H003612_01 Info V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 H003612_01 M63167 71816 AKT1 Actions of Nitric Oxide in the Heart, AKT Signaling Pathway, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, B Cell Survival Pathway, Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), Corticosteroids and cardioprotection, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, IL 4 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, mTOR Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), Phosphoinositides and their downstream targets., Phospholipase C Signaling Pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Ras Signaling Pathway, Regulation … 0.6741257 1.038
2386 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H000460_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1 H000460_01 AL049933 203862 GNAI1 Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.7235673 1.046
2387 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H002757_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 H002757_01 X80692 271980 MAPK6 MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.7279385 1.033
2388 S1P_Signaling_h BioCarta H003773_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 4 H003773_01 X59727 269222 MAPK4 MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.91886 1.013
2389 MAP00600_Sphingoglycolipid_metabolism_h GenMAPP H001185_01 Info Arylsulfatase A H001185_01 NM_000487 88251 ARSA Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Glycosphingolipid metabolism, immunology 0.0075221 1.385
2390 MAP00600_Sphingoglycolipid_metabolism_h GenMAPP H006143_01 Info UDP-Gal:beta GlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 4 H006143_01 AB026730 21495 B3GALT4 Ganglioside biosynthesis 0.0084255 1.351
2391 MAP00600_Sphingoglycolipid_metabolism_h GenMAPP H001062_01 Info N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) H001062_01 U70063 75811 ASAH Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA, Activation of Csk by cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits Signaling through the T Cell Receptor, ChREBP regulation by carbohydrates and cAMP, Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and beta 2 adrenergic receptor (b2AR) pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Ion Channels and Their Functional Role in Vascular Endothelium, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Phospholipase C-epsilon pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Regulation of Spermatogenesis by CREM, Role of �-arrestins in the activation and targeting of MAP kinases, Roles of �-arrestin-dependent Recruitment of Src Kinases in GPCR Signaling, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, �-arrestins in GPCR Desensitization, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, Transcription factor CREB and its … 0.0187984 1.357
2392 MAP00600_Sphingoglycolipid_metabolism_h GenMAPP H010686_01 Info Human abnormal beta-hexosaminidase alpha chain (HEXA) mRNA, partial CDS H010686_01 J04178 166299 Aminosugars metabolism, Globoside metabolism, Glycosaminoglycan degradation, N-Glycan degradation, immunology 0.0245913 1.262
2393 MAP00600_Sphingoglycolipid_metabolism_h GenMAPP H002064_01 Info Galactosidase, beta 1 H002064_01 M34423 79222 GLB1 Galactose metabolism, Glycerolipid metabolism, Glycosaminoglycan degradation, Glycosphingolipid metabolism, N-Glycan degradation 0.0569698 0.805
2394 MAP00600_Sphingoglycolipid_metabolism_h GenMAPP H000076_01 Info UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase H000076_01 D50840 152601 UGCG Glycosphingolipid metabolism 0.2145948 0.879
2395 MAP00600_Sphingoglycolipid_metabolism_h GenMAPP H008567_01 Info Sialidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase) H008567_01 AF040958 118721 NEU1 Glycosphingolipid metabolism, N-Glycan degradation 0.2301846 0.878
2396 MAP00600_Sphingoglycolipid_metabolism_h GenMAPP H014980_01 Info Glucosidase, beta; acid (includes glucosylceramidase) H014980_01 NM_000157 282997 GBA Cyanoamino acid metabolism, Glycosphingolipid metabolism, Starch and sucrose metabolism, Stilbene, coumarine and lignin biosynthesis, immunology 0.9305051 0.99
2397 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H008949_01 Info Hypothetical protein H008949_01 AF151024 122492 LOC51237 0.0022423 1.318
2398 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H000570_01 Info CREB binding protein (Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome) H000570_01 U47741 23598 CREBBP gene_regulation, transcription 0.0048718 1.469
2399 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H000309_01 Info CAMP response element-binding protein CRE-BPa H000309_01 L05515 149 H_GS165L15.1 0.0078273 1.479
2400 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H003611_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 H003611_01 L36870 75217 MAP2K4 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , PDGF Signaling Pathway, T Cell Receptor Signaling Pathway, TNF/Stress Related Signaling, TNFR1 Signaling Pathway, Toll-Like Receptor Pathway, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.012502 0.753
2401 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H003332_01 Info V-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog-like H003332_01 X59656 37078 CRKL IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, tsonc 0.0164206 0.675
2402 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H001062_01 Info N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) H001062_01 U70063 75811 ASAH Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA, Activation of Csk by cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits Signaling through the T Cell Receptor, ChREBP regulation by carbohydrates and cAMP, Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and beta 2 adrenergic receptor (b2AR) pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Ion Channels and Their Functional Role in Vascular Endothelium, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Phospholipase C-epsilon pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Regulation of Spermatogenesis by CREM, Role of �-arrestins in the activation and targeting of MAP kinases, Roles of �-arrestin-dependent Recruitment of Src Kinases in GPCR Signaling, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, �-arrestins in GPCR Desensitization, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, Transcription factor CREB and its … 0.0187984 1.357
2403 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H000343_01 Info Early growth response 3 H000343_01 X63741 74088 EGR3 Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP inhibit the apoptosis of activated T cells, cell_signaling 0.0317099 0.777
2404 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H001348_01 Info Phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, delta polypeptide H001348_01 U86453 162808 PIK3CD Inositol phosphate metabolism, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.0324563 1.426
2405 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H003628_01 Info Dystroglycan 1 (dystrophin-associated glycoprotein 1) H003628_01 L19711 76111 DAG1 Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, immunology 0.034627 0.774
2406 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H000612_01 Info Ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kD, polypeptide 3 H000612_01 U08316 173965 RPS6KA3 MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.0473043 0.79
2407 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H003178_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 H003178_01 X60188 861 MAPK3 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Influence of Ras and Rho … 0.0986041 1.184
2408 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H003158_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 H003158_01 L26318 190913 MAPK8 Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, ATM Signaling Pathway, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Bone Remodelling, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL12 and Stat4 Dependent Signaling Pathway in Th1 Development, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Insulin Signaling Pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Nerve growth factor pathway (NGF), NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), Oxidative Stress Induced Gene Expression Via Nrf2, PDGF Signaling Pathway, Pertussis toxin-insensitive CCR5 Sig … 0.1287835 1.166
2409 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H000372_01 Info Early growth response 2 (Krox-20 (Drosophila) homolog) H000372_01 NM_000399 1395 EGR2 Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP inhibit the apoptosis of activated T cells, immunology 0.1772326 0.796
2410 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H002943_01 Info V-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 H002943_01 M95712 622 BRAF MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, immunology, signal_transduction, tsonc 0.2376595 0.895
2411 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H003309_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 H003309_01 AF013589 110299 MAP2K7 Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Keratinocyte Differentiation, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway 0.3044184 1.088
2412 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H012904_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 3 H012904_01 AB028989 88500 MAPK8IP3 0.3112914 1.095
2413 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H011336_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), q polypeptide H011336_01 U43083 296261 GNAQ Activation of PKC through G protein coupled receptor, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, Effects of calcineurin in Keratinocyte Differentiation, G-Protein Signaling Through Tubby Proteins, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP inhibit the apoptosis of activated T cells, Pertussis toxin-insensitive CCR5 Signaling in Macrophage, PKC-catalyzed phosphorylation of inhibitory phosphoprotein of myosin phosphatase, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, immunology 0.3713616 0.89
2414 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H002673_01 Info Tyrosine hydroxylase H002673_01 M17589 178237 TH Tyrosine metabolism, behavior, immunology 0.4825761 1.084
2415 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H011767_01 Info SH2-B homolog H011767_01 AB037720 15744 DKFZP547G1110 0.5793807 1.053
2416 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H014634_01 Info Homo sapiens mRNA for FLJ00027 protein, partial CDS H014634_01 AK024437 199417 0.6135149 1.048
2417 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H007842_01 Info Gastrin H007842_01 NM_000805 2681 GAS immunology 0.6295543 1.041
2418 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H003612_01 Info V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 H003612_01 M63167 71816 AKT1 Actions of Nitric Oxide in the Heart, AKT Signaling Pathway, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, B Cell Survival Pathway, Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), Corticosteroids and cardioprotection, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, IL 4 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, mTOR Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), Phosphoinositides and their downstream targets., Phospholipase C Signaling Pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Ras Signaling Pathway, Regulation … 0.6741257 1.038
2419 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H003163_01 Info CAMP responsive element binding protein 1 H003163_01 M27691 79194 CREB1 Ca++/ Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase Activation, Calcium Signaling by HBx of Hepatitis B virus, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Hypoxia-Inducible Factor in the Cardiovascular System, Inhibition of Huntington\’s disease neurodegeneration by histone deacetylase inhibitors, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Melanocyte Development and Pigmentation Pathway, Oxidative Stress Induced Gene Expression Via Nrf2, p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , Repression of Pain Sensation by the Transcriptional Regulator DREAM, Role of Erk5 in Neuronal Survival, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, Transcription factor CREB and its extracellular signals, Transcription Regulation by Methyltransferase of CARM1, immunology 0.9300928 1.009
2420 ST_Differentiation_Pathway_in_PC12_Cells_h Signalling Transduction KE H014820_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 H014820_01 NM_002752 246857 MAPK9 MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.9883614 0.998
2421 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002055_01 Info Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 H002055_01 M96995 296381 GRB2 Activation of Src by Protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Calcium Signaling by HBx of Hepatitis B virus, CBL mediated ligand-induced downregulation of EGF receptors, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 4 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Insulin Signaling Pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Nerve growth factor pathway (NGF), p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , PDGF Signaling Pathway, PTEN dependent cel … 0.0022348 1.459
2422 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002893_01 Info V-raf-1 murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1 H002893_01 X03484 85181 RAF1 Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Insulin Signaling Pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Links betw … 0.0062484 1.596
2423 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H003332_01 Info V-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog-like H003332_01 X59656 37078 CRKL IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, tsonc 0.0164206 0.675
2424 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002780_01 Info Actinin, alpha 1 H002780_01 M95178 119000 ACTN1 0.0181707 0.767
2425 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H000692_01 Info Actinin, alpha 2 H000692_01 M86406 83672 ACTN2 Cell to Cell Adhesion Signaling, Integrin Signaling Pathway, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread, immunology 0.0617977 0.816
2426 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H005666_01 Info KIAA1027 protein H005666_01 AB028950 18420 KIAA1027 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Rho cell motility signaling pathway, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread 0.0638611 1.201
2427 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H003178_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 H003178_01 X60188 861 MAPK3 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Influence of Ras and Rho … 0.0986041 1.184
2428 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H003158_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 H003158_01 L26318 190913 MAPK8 Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, ATM Signaling Pathway, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Bone Remodelling, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL12 and Stat4 Dependent Signaling Pathway in Th1 Development, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Insulin Signaling Pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Nerve growth factor pathway (NGF), NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), Oxidative Stress Induced Gene Expression Via Nrf2, PDGF Signaling Pathway, Pertussis toxin-insensitive CCR5 Sig … 0.1287835 1.166
2429 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002803_01 Info Vinculin H002803_01 NM_014000 75350 VCL Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Cell to Cell Adhesion Signaling, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Rho cell motility signaling pathway, cell_signaling, metastasis 0.1935883 0.885
2430 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002112_01 Info PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 H002112_01 L13616 740 PTK2 Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Cell to Cell Adhesion Signaling, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the regulation of apoptosis, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread, VEGF, Hypoxia, and Angiogenesis, angiogenesis, signal_transduction 0.2346929 0.896
2431 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H003441_01 Info Breakpoint cluster region H003441_01 X02596 234799 BCR Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Integrin Signaling Pathway, immunology, tsonc 0.2521813 1.116
2432 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002770_01 Info Calpain 4, small subunit (30K) H002770_01 X04106 74451 CAPN4 0.2565365 1.091
2433 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002405_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 H002405_01 L11285 72241 MAP2K2 Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Anthrax Toxin Mechanism of Action, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Phosphorylation of MEK1 by cdk5/p35 down regulates the MAP kinase pathway, Role of MAL in Rho-Mediated Activation of SRF, Role of �-arrestins in the activation and targeting of MAP kinases, Roles of �-arrestin-dependent Recruitment of Src Kinases in GPCR Signaling, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor 0.3118803 1.093
2434 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H008350_01 Info Myosin phosphatase, target subunit 2 H008350_01 AB007972 130760 MYPT2 CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Integrin Signaling Pathway, PKC-catalyzed phosphorylation of inhibitory phosphoprotein of myosin phosphatase, Rac 1 cell motility signaling pathway, Rho cell motility signaling pathway, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors 0.3448422 0.932
2435 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002440_01 Info Homo sapiens clone 24651 mRNA sequence H002440_01 AF070648 74034 Actions of Nitric Oxide in the Heart, Integrin Signaling Pathway 0.3482926 0.855
2436 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002788_01 Info Calpain 1, (mu/I) large subunit H002788_01 X04366 2575 CAPN1 Deregulation of CDK5 in Alzheimer’s Disease, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread 0.4337603 1.066
2437 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H003533_01 Info Paxillin H003533_01 U14588 102497 PXN Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Cell to Cell Adhesion Signaling, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread, VEGF, Hypoxia, and Angiogenesis, immunology 0.4629128 1.067
2438 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H007056_01 Info Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ10164 fis, clone HEMBA1003581, moderately similar to TALIN H007056_01 AK001026 274265 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Rho cell motility signaling pathway, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread 0.5564621 1.06
2439 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H016089_01 Info Caveolin 1, caveolae protein, 22kD H016089_01 NM_001753 323469 CAV1 Actions of Nitric Oxide in the Heart, Integrin Signaling Pathway 0.660791 0.934
2440 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002212_01 Info Zyxin H002212_01 X95735 75873 ZYX Integrin Signaling Pathway 0.7015822 1.041
2441 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H006797_01 Info Talin H006797_01 AF078828 278559 TLN Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Rho cell motility signaling pathway, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread 0.7205163 1.04
2442 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H002722_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 H002722_01 L11284 3446 MAP2K1 Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Anthrax Toxin Mechanism of Action, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Insulin Signaling Pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinas … 0.7377933 0.973
2443 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H003724_01 Info integrin, beta 1 (fibronectin receptor, beta polypeptide, antigen CD29 includes MDF2, MSK12) H003724_01 NM_002211 202661 ITGB1 Adhesion and Diapedesis of Lymphocytes, Adhesion Molecules on Lymphocyte, Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, B Cell Survival Pathway, Cells and Molecules involved in local acute inflammatory response, Eph Kinases and ephrins support platelet aggregation, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Monocyte and its Surface Molecules, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Ras-Independent pathway in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread, cell_signaling, immunology, metastasis 0.9378203 0.993
2444 integrinPathway_h BioCarta H003340_01 Info C-src tyrosine kinase H003340_01 X60114 77793 CSK Activation of Csk by cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits Signaling through the T Cell Receptor, Activation of Src by Protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha, Cell to Cell Adhesion Signaling, Integrin Signaling Pathway, signal_transduction 0.9390319 1.008
2445 longevityPathway_h BioCarta H000328_01 Info Forkhead box O3A H000328_01 AF032886 14845 FOXO3A AKT Signaling Pathway, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the regulation of apoptosis, The IGF-1 Receptor and Longevity 0.0286928 0.767
2446 longevityPathway_h BioCarta H002473_01 Info Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor H002473_01 NM_000875 239176 IGF1R Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is regulated via AKT/mTOR pathway, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, The IGF-1 Receptor and Longevity, immunology 0.079692 1.158
2447 longevityPathway_h BioCarta H016047_01 Info Superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial H016047_01 NM_000636 318885 SOD2 Erythropoietin mediated neuroprotection through NF-kB, immunology, pharmacology 0.0970832 1.313
2448 longevityPathway_h BioCarta H003810_01 Info Superoxide dismutase 1, soluble (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1 (adult)) H003810_01 X02317 75428 SOD1 Cardiac Protection Against ROS , Free Radical Induced Apoptosis, immunology, pharmacology 0.1871555 1.13
2449 longevityPathway_h BioCarta H003612_01 Info V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 H003612_01 M63167 71816 AKT1 Actions of Nitric Oxide in the Heart, AKT Signaling Pathway, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, B Cell Survival Pathway, Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), Corticosteroids and cardioprotection, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, IL 4 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, mTOR Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), Phosphoinositides and their downstream targets., Phospholipase C Signaling Pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Ras Signaling Pathway, Regulation … 0.6741257 1.038
2450 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H001935_01 Info Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase H001935_01 U34995 169476 GAPD 0.0001082 1.485
2451 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002420_01 Info Promyelocytic leukemia H002420_01 M79462 89633 PML Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML, gene_regulation, immunology, transcription 0.0004143 0.71
2452 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003112_01 Info Retinoblastoma 1 (including osteosarcoma) H003112_01 L41870 75770 RB1 BTG family proteins and cell cycle regulation, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Chaperones modulate interferon Signaling Pathway, Cyclin E Destruction Pathway, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, E2F1 Destruction Pathway, FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha), Overview of telomerase RNA component gene hTerc Transcriptional Regulation, p53 Signaling Pathway, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of p27 Phosphorylation during Cell Cycle Progression, Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, TNFR1 Signaling Pathway, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, immunology, tsonc 0.0008596 0.674
2453 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H000570_01 Info CREB binding protein (Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome) H000570_01 U47741 23598 CREBBP gene_regulation, transcription 0.0048718 1.469
2454 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H000208_01 Info Breast cancer 1, early onset H000208_01 NM_007295 194143 BRCA1 ATM Signaling Pathway, BRCA1-dependent Ub-ligase activity, CARM1 and Regulation of the Estrogen Receptor, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Role of BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATR in Cancer Susceptibility, DNA_damage, immunology, tsonc 0.009032 0.746
2455 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002092_01 Info Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related H002092_01 U49844 77613 ATR Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Regulation of cell cycle progression by Plk3, Role of BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATR in Cancer Susceptibility, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, DNA_replication, immunology 0.0105491 0.753
2456 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003611_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 H003611_01 L36870 75217 MAP2K4 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , PDGF Signaling Pathway, T Cell Receptor Signaling Pathway, TNF/Stress Related Signaling, TNFR1 Signaling Pathway, Toll-Like Receptor Pathway, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.012502 0.753
2457 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H009536_01 Info Homo sapiens mRNA for P53TG1-D, complete CDS H009536_01 AB007458 306301 0.0126191 0.748
2458 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003739_01 Info Cell division cycle 2, G1 to S and G2 to M H003739_01 X05360 184572 CDC2 Activation of Src by Protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha, AKAP95 role in mitosis and chromosome dynamics, cdc25 and chk1 Regulatory Pathway in response to DNA damage, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Protein Kinase A at the Centrosome, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of Splicing through Sam68, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) Receptor Ptc1 Regulates cell cycle, Stathmin and breast cancer resistance to antimicrotubule agents, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle 0.0222229 0.733
2459 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002519_01 Info Heat shock 70kD protein 4 H002519_01 AB023420 90093 HSPA4 Chaperones modulate interferon Signaling Pathway, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha) 0.0234203 0.803
2460 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003410_01 Info Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (melanoma, p16, inhibits CDK4) H003410_01 U26727 1174 CDKN2A Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , CTCF: First Multivalent Nuclear Factor, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, immunology, tsonc 0.0245577 0.782
2461 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002789_01 Info Tumor protein p53 (Li-Fraumeni syndrome) H002789_01 NM_000546 1846 TP53 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, ATM Signaling Pathway, BTG family proteins and cell cycle regulation, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Chaperones modulate interferon Signaling Pathway, CTCF: First Multivalent Nuclear Factor, Double Stranded RNA Induced Gene Expression, Estrogen-responsive protein Efp controls cell cycle and breast tumors growth, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, Overview of telomerase protein component gene hTert Transcriptional Regulation , p53 Signaling Pathway, RB Tumor Suppressor/Checkpoint Signaling in response to DNA damage, Regulation of cell cycle progression by Plk3, Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML, Role of BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATR in Cancer Susceptibility, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, DNA_damage, gene_regulation, immunology, transcription, tsonc 0.0273242 1.207
2462 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H001365_01 Info Protein kinase C, beta 1 H001365_01 X07109 77202 PRKCB1 Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, Ion Channel and Phorbol Esters Signaling Pathway, T Cell Receptor Signaling Pathway, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, angiogenesis, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.0304335 1.379
2463 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002149_01 Info Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21, Cip1) H002149_01 U03106 179665 CDKN1A ATM Signaling Pathway, Cell Cycle: G1/S Check Point , Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, Effects of calcineurin in Keratinocyte Differentiation, Erythropoietin mediated neuroprotection through NF-kB, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, p53 Signaling Pathway, immunology, tsonc 0.0349766 1.236
2464 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002194_01 Info Casein kinase 1, alpha 1 H002194_01 L37042 283738 CSNK1A1 Deregulation of CDK5 in Alzheimer’s Disease, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), WNT Signaling Pathway, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.0461818 0.809
2465 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003180_01 Info TATA box binding protein H003180_01 M55654 1100 TBP CARM1 and Regulation of the Estrogen Receptor, Chromatin Remodeling by hSWI/SNF ATP-dependent Complexes, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, Nuclear receptors coordinate the activities of chromatin remodeling complexes and coactivators to facilitate initiation of transcription in carcinoma cells, RNA polymerase III transcription, immunology 0.0482733 0.827
2466 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003259_01 Info Sp1 transcription factor H003259_01 J03133 2021 SP1 Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Effects of calcineurin in Keratinocyte Differentiation, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Keratinocyte Differentiation, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha), Overview of telomerase protein component gene hTert Transcriptional Regulation , Overview of telomerase RNA component gene hTerc Transcriptional Regulation 0.0557417 0.814
2467 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H000291_01 Info TNF receptor-associated factor 4 H000291_01 X80200 8375 TRAF4 immunology 0.0787384 0.81
2468 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002049_01 Info Death-associated protein 6 H002049_01 AB015051 180224 DAXX FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Keratinocyte Differentiation, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML, Stress Induction of HSP Regulation, apoptosis 0.0788021 1.159
2469 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H001600_01 Info RAS p21 protein activator (GTPase activating protein) 1 H001600_01 M23379 758 RASA1 EGF Signaling Pathway, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, Insulin Signaling Pathway, PDGF Signaling Pathway, Regulation of Splicing through Sam68, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, Sprouty regulation of tyrosine kinase signals, T Cell Receptor Signaling Pathway, TPO Signaling Pathway, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.1015906 0.844
2470 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H014546_01 Info Peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A) H014546_01 NM_021130 182937 PPIA IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation 0.129858 1.176
2471 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H014140_01 Info Leucine rich repeat and death domain containing protein H014140_01 NM_018494 123136 LRDD 0.1769387 0.848
2472 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002091_01 Info V-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog H002091_01 K02276 79070 MYC Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CTCF: First Multivalent Nuclear Factor, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha), Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP inhibit the apoptosis of activated T cells, Overview of telomerase protein component gene hTert Transcriptional Regulation , p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , Role of EGF Receptor Transactivation by GPCRs in Cardiac Hypertrophy, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, WNT Signaling Pathway, gene_regulation, immunology, transcription, tsonc 0.1797519 0.824
2473 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H008177_01 Info N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2 H008177_01 AB033074 243960 NDRG2 0.2117752 0.899
2474 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H007835_01 Info Sirtuin (silent mating type information regulation 2, S. cerevisiae, homolog) 1 H007835_01 NM_012238 31176 SIRT1 Regulation of transcriptional activity by PML 0.2402857 0.874
2475 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003264_01 Info Caspase 9, apoptosis-related cysteine protease H003264_01 U60521 100641 CASP9 AKT Signaling Pathway, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Caspase Cascade in Apoptosis, D4-GDI Signaling Pathway, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Induction of apoptosis through DR3 and DR4/5 Death Receptors , Ras Signaling Pathway, Role of Mitochondria in Apoptotic Signaling, Stress Induction of HSP Regulation, Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing, West Nile Virus, apoptosis, immunology 0.2463073 0.872
2476 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003605_01 Info BCL2-associated X protein H003605_01 L22474 159428 BAX Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, p53 Signaling Pathway, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Role of Mitochondria in Apoptotic Signaling, apoptosis, development, immunology 0.253339 0.907
2477 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H006662_01 Info Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain H006662_01 X84709 86131 FADD Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Acetylation and Deacetylation of RelA in The Nucleus, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Induction of apoptosis through DR3 and DR4/5 Death Receptors , NF-kB Signaling Pathway, SODD/TNFR1 Signaling Pathway, TNFR1 Signaling Pathway, immunology 0.292449 1.108
2478 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003309_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 H003309_01 AF013589 110299 MAP2K7 Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Keratinocyte Differentiation, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway 0.3044184 1.088
2479 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002771_01 Info APEX nuclease (multifunctional DNA repair enzyme) H002771_01 S43127 73722 APEX Granzyme A mediated Apoptosis Pathway 0.3286377 0.907
2480 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H007300_01 Info P53-inducible ribonucleotide reductase small subunit 2 homolog H007300_01 AB036063 94262 p53R2 0.359173 1.087
2481 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003351_01 Info Protein kinase, DNA-activated, catalytic polypeptide H003351_01 U47077 155637 PRKDC Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ), HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, TNFR1 Signaling Pathway, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, DNA_damage, immunology 0.3847336 0.919
2482 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H015371_01 Info MDM2 (mouse double minute 2)-binding protein, 104kD H015371_01 NM_022045 287481 MTBP 0.414917 1.078
2483 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H000454_01 Info Tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 1 (endothelial) H000454_01 M80783 76090 TNFAIP1 apoptosis, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.4282517 0.923
2484 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H014854_01 Info Hypothetical protein FLJ12296 similar to wild-type p53-induced gene 1 H014854_01 NM_022470 252406 FLJ12296 0.5316076 1.055
2485 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H005981_01 Info Homo sapiens clone 24670 mRNA sequence H005981_01 AF055019 13417 0.5614285 1.063
2486 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H001952_01 Info Ribosomal protein L13a H001952_01 X56932 119122 RPL13A 0.565051 1.059
2487 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H004814_01 Info N-myc downstream regulated H004814_01 D87953 75789 NDRG1 0.5742952 1.047
2488 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H000059_01 Info Etoposide-induced mRNA H000059_01 AF010313 286027 PIG8 0.5894467 0.95
2489 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H005625_01 Info Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586C1817 (from clone DKFZp586C1817) H005625_01 AL133574 42458 0.60529 0.958
2490 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003538_01 Info Actin, beta H003538_01 NM_001101 288061 ACTB Chromatin Remodeling by hSWI/SNF ATP-dependent Complexes 0.6253266 0.956
2491 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003045_01 Info Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10b H003045_01 AF016266 51233 TNFRSF10B 0.6371361 1.047
2492 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H010339_01 Info BRCA1 associated protein-1 (ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase) H010339_01 AF045581 106674 BAP1 0.6920721 0.961
2493 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H006401_01 Info Fas (TNFRSF6) associated factor 1 H006401_01 AJ271408 25821 FAF1 FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ) 0.773612 1.035
2494 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H000475_01 Info Apoptotic protease activating factor H000475_01 NM_013229 77579 APAF1 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Caspase Cascade in Apoptosis, D4-GDI Signaling Pathway, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Induction of apoptosis through DR3 and DR4/5 Death Receptors , p53 Signaling Pathway, Role of Mitochondria in Apoptotic Signaling, Stress Induction of HSP Regulation, Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing, apoptosis, immunology 0.7764943 0.97
2495 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H006841_01 Info Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564P073 (from clone DKFZp564P073) H006841_01 AL049301 278577 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, p53 Signaling Pathway, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Role of Mitochondria in Apoptotic Signaling, apoptosis, development, immunology 0.7810094 0.98
2496 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003558_01 Info Tumor protein p53-binding protein, 2 H003558_01 U58334 44585 TP53BP2 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, apoptosis, tsonc 0.7880942 0.97
2497 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H004162_01 Info Mesenchymal stem cell protein DSCD28 H004162_01 AF242772 272416 LOC51336 FAS signaling pathway ( CD95 ) 0.7944947 0.98
2498 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003766_01 Info Mouse double minute 2, human homolog of; p53-binding protein H003766_01 M92424 170027 MDM2 ATM Signaling Pathway, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, CTCF: First Multivalent Nuclear Factor, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, p53 Signaling Pathway, Sumoylation by RanBP2 Regulates Transcriptional Repression, Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis, gene_regulation, transcription, tsonc 0.8018001 0.978
2499 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H001681_01 Info Protein kinase C, theta H001681_01 L01087 211593 PRKCQ Keratinocyte Differentiation, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, immunology, signal_transduction 0.8037373 1.019
2500 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H009125_01 Info Bcl-2 binding component 3 H009125_01 U82987 87246 BBC3 0.8477416 0.982
2501 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H001596_01 Info Protein kinase C, gamma H001596_01 Z15114 2890 PRKCG Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.8498034 1.018
2502 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003711_01 Info Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 (p105) H003711_01 M58603 83428 NFKB1 Acetylation and Deacetylation of RelA in The Nucleus, Activation of PKC through G protein coupled receptor, AKT Signaling Pathway, ATM Signaling Pathway, Bone Remodelling, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CD40L Signaling Pathway, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, Chaperones modulate interferon Signaling Pathway, Corticosteroids and cardioprotection, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, Double Stranded RNA Induced Gene Expression, Erythropoietin mediated neuroprotection through NF-kB, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Free Radical Induced Apoptosis, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Induction of apoptosis through DR3 and DR4/5 Death Receptors , Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Keratinocyte Differentiation, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP inhibit the apoptosis of a … 0.8665095 1.017
2503 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H007630_01 Info TP53 target gene 1 H007630_01 AB007455 274329 TP53TG1 0.894961 1.012
2504 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002606_01 Info Cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (homolog of Xenopus MO15 cdk-activating kinase) H002606_01 L20320 184298 CDK7 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation, Degradation of the RAR and RXR by the proteasome, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.9364784 0.991
2505 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H003151_01 Info E1A binding protein p300 H003151_01 U01877 25272 EP300 Acetylation and Deacetylation of RelA in The Nucleus, CARM1 and Regulation of the Estrogen Receptor, Cell Cycle: G2/M Checkpoint, Control of Gene Expression by Vitamin D Receptor, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, Hypoxia-Inducible Factor in the Cardiovascular System, IL-7 Signal Transduction, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha), Melanocyte Development and Pigmentation Pathway, Multi-step Regulation of Transcription by Pitx2, NFkB activation by Nontypeable Hemophilus influenzae, Pelp1 Modulation of Estrogen Receptor Activity, Role of ERBB2 in Signal Transduction and Oncology, Role of MEF2D in T-cell Apoptosis, Role of PPAR-gamma Coactivators in Obesity and Thermogenesis, TGF beta signaling pathway, Transcription Regulation by Methyltransferase of CARM1, gene_regulation, transcription 0.9607239 1.004
2506 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002963_01 Info V-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide H002963_01 L19067 75569 RELA Acetylation and Deacetylation of RelA in The Nucleus, Erythropoietin mediated neuroprotection through NF-kB, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Mechanism of Gene Regulation by Peroxisome Proliferators via PPARa(alpha), NFkB activation by Nontypeable Hemophilus influenzae, NF-kB Signaling Pathway, immunology, tsonc 0.9724165 1.003
2507 p53_signaling_h BioCarta H002746_01 Info TNF receptor-associated factor 5 H002746_01 AB000509 29736 TRAF5 TACI and BCMA stimulation of B cell immune responses., immunology 0.9871372 0.999
2508 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H002040_01 Info Epidermal growth factor receptor (avian erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog) H002040_01 X00588 77432 EGFR Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, CBL mediated ligand-induced downregulation of EGF receptors, EGF Signaling Pathway, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Map Kinase Inactivation of SMRT Corepressor, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Neuroregulin receptor degradation protein-1 Controls ErbB3 receptor recycling, Role of EGF Receptor Transactivation by GPCRs in Cardiac Hypertrophy, Role of ERBB2 in Signal Transduction and Oncology, Sprouty regulation of tyrosine kinase signals, Telomeres, Telomerase, Cellular Aging, and Immortality, The role of FYVE-finger proteins in vesicle transport, Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing, angiogenesis, signal_transduction, tsonc 0.0004362 0.669
2509 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H002893_01 Info V-raf-1 murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1 H002893_01 X03484 85181 RAF1 Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Insulin Signaling Pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Links betw … 0.0062484 1.596
2510 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H002895_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 H002895_01 L35263 79107 MAPK14 BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, GATA3 participate in activating the Th2 cytokine genes expression, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, IL12 and Stat4 Dependent Signaling Pathway in Th1 Development, Keratinocyte Differentiation, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, Map Kinase Inactivation of SMRT Corepressor, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), NFkB activation by Nontypeable Hemophilus influenzae, Oxidative Stress Induced Gene Expression Via Nrf2, p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , Pertussis toxin-insensitive CCR5 Signaling in Macrophage, Regulation of eIF4e and p70 S6 Kinase, Regulation of MAP Kinase Pathways Through Dual Specificity Phosphatases, SARS Coronavirus Protease, Signal transduction through IL1R, TACI and BCMA stimulation of B cell imm … 0.0086925 1.429
2511 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H001062_01 Info N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) H001062_01 U70063 75811 ASAH Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA, Activation of Csk by cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits Signaling through the T Cell Receptor, ChREBP regulation by carbohydrates and cAMP, Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and beta 2 adrenergic receptor (b2AR) pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Ion Channels and Their Functional Role in Vascular Endothelium, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Phospholipase C-epsilon pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, Regulation of BAD phosphorylation, Regulation of Spermatogenesis by CREM, Role of �-arrestins in the activation and targeting of MAP kinases, Roles of �-arrestin-dependent Recruitment of Src Kinases in GPCR Signaling, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, �-arrestins in GPCR Desensitization, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, Transcription factor CREB and its … 0.0187984 1.357
2512 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H006644_01 Info Phosphorylase kinase, alpha 2 (liver) H006644_01 X80497 54941 PHKA2 cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.0321533 1.233
2513 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H001348_01 Info Phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, delta polypeptide H001348_01 U86453 162808 PIK3CD Inositol phosphate metabolism, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.0324563 1.426
2514 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H003628_01 Info Dystroglycan 1 (dystrophin-associated glycoprotein 1) H003628_01 L19711 76111 DAG1 Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, immunology 0.034627 0.774
2515 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H001748_01 Info Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase B H001748_01 X57206 78877 ITPKB Inositol phosphate metabolism, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.1283627 0.851
2516 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H001718_01 Info Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase A H001718_01 X54938 2722 ITPKA Inositol phosphate metabolism, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.1331494 1.16
2517 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H002943_01 Info V-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 H002943_01 M95712 622 BRAF MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, immunology, signal_transduction, tsonc 0.2376595 0.895
2518 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H000614_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 11 (Gq class) H000614_01 M69013 1686 GNA11 0.3060018 0.9
2519 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H003337_01 Info B-factor, properdin H003337_01 L15702 69771 BF Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, immunology 0.3702495 1.093
2520 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H011336_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), q polypeptide H011336_01 U43083 296261 GNAQ Activation of PKC through G protein coupled receptor, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, Effects of calcineurin in Keratinocyte Differentiation, G-Protein Signaling Through Tubby Proteins, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP inhibit the apoptosis of activated T cells, Pertussis toxin-insensitive CCR5 Signaling in Macrophage, PKC-catalyzed phosphorylation of inhibitory phosphoprotein of myosin phosphatase, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, immunology 0.3713616 0.89
2521 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H010976_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 15 (Gq class) H010976_01 M63904 73797 GNA15 0.4609468 0.929
2522 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H000897_01 Info Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 2 H000897_01 D26350 238272 ITPR2 0.5011337 1.061
2523 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H001215_01 Info Pentaxin-related gene, rapidly induced by IL-1 beta H001215_01 M31166 2050 PTX3 cell_cycle, cell_signaling, immunology 0.5618599 0.929
2524 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H006635_01 Info Homo sapiens clone 23607 mRNA sequence H006635_01 AF038181 167825 ALK in cardiac myocytes, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Multi-step Regulation of Transcription by Pitx2, Presenilin action in Notch and Wnt signaling, TGF beta signaling pathway, WNT Signaling Pathway, development, immunology, tsonc 0.6181322 1.041
2525 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H007842_01 Info Gastrin H007842_01 NM_000805 2681 GAS immunology 0.6295543 1.041
2526 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H011599_01 Info Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434J194 (from clone DKFZp434J194) H011599_01 AL110227 323067 0.661501 0.954
2527 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H003612_01 Info V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 H003612_01 M63167 71816 AKT1 Actions of Nitric Oxide in the Heart, AKT Signaling Pathway, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, B Cell Survival Pathway, Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), Corticosteroids and cardioprotection, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, IL 4 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, mTOR Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), Phosphoinositides and their downstream targets., Phospholipase C Signaling Pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Ras Signaling Pathway, Regulation … 0.6741257 1.038
2528 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H000460_01 Info Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1 H000460_01 AL049933 203862 GNAI1 Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, Signaling Pathway from G-Protein Families, Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.7235673 1.046
2529 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H008143_01 Info CDA14 H008143_01 AF216751 26813 LOC51290 0.758068 1.029
2530 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H007337_01 Info Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 3 H007337_01 U01062 77515 ITPR3 0.8999809 0.984
2531 ST_ADRENERGIC_h Signalling Transduction KE H003791_01 Info Small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys), member 13 H003791_01 U59808 11383 SCYA13 0.9937199 1.001
2532 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H002055_01 Info Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 H002055_01 M96995 296381 GRB2 Activation of Src by Protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Calcium Signaling by HBx of Hepatitis B virus, CBL mediated ligand-induced downregulation of EGF receptors, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 4 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, Insulin Signaling Pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, Links between Pyk2 and Map Kinases, MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, Nerve growth factor pathway (NGF), p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway , PDGF Signaling Pathway, PTEN dependent cel … 0.0022348 1.459
2533 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H000328_01 Info Forkhead box O3A H000328_01 AF032886 14845 FOXO3A AKT Signaling Pathway, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the regulation of apoptosis, The IGF-1 Receptor and Longevity 0.0286928 0.767
2534 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H003178_01 Info Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 H003178_01 X60188 861 MAPK3 Perou’s – Intrinsic – Breast-Cancer-Genes, Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, BCR Signaling Pathway, Bioactive Peptide Induced Signaling Pathway, Cadmium induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in macrophages, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Ceramide Signaling Pathway, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, EGF Signaling Pathway, EPO Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells, fMLP induced chemokine gene expression in HMC-1 cells, Growth Hormone Signaling Pathway, How Progesterone Initiates the Oocyte Maturation, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, IGF-1 Signaling Pathway, IL 2 signaling pathway, IL 3 signaling pathway, IL 6 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Influence of Ras and Rho … 0.0986041 1.184
2535 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H002970_01 Info Integrin-linked kinase H002970_01 U40282 6196 ILK PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.1701136 1.128
2536 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H002112_01 Info PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 H002112_01 L13616 740 PTK2 Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Angiotensin II mediated activation of JNK Pathway via Pyk2 dependent signaling, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils, Cell to Cell Adhesion Signaling, CXCR4 Signaling Pathway, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, HIV-I Nef: negative effector of Fas and TNF, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the regulation of apoptosis, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread, VEGF, Hypoxia, and Angiogenesis, angiogenesis, signal_transduction 0.2346929 0.896
2537 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H003286_01 Info 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1 H003286_01 AF017995 154729 PDPK1 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.2543058 1.119
2538 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H013300_01 Info Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 2 H013300_01 L42451 92261 PDK2 mTOR Signaling Pathway, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Regulation of eIF4e and p70 S6 Kinase, Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is regulated via AKT/mTOR pathway, cell_cycle, cell_signaling, signal_transduction 0.5991595 0.949
2539 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H003612_01 Info V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 H003612_01 M63167 71816 AKT1 Actions of Nitric Oxide in the Heart, AKT Signaling Pathway, Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage, B Cell Survival Pathway, Control of skeletal myogenesis by HDAC & calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK), Corticosteroids and cardioprotection, Human Cytomegalovirus and Map Kinase Pathways, Hypoxia and p53 in the Cardiovascular system, IL 4 signaling pathway, IL-2 Receptor Beta Chain in T cell Activation, Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin in Alveolar Macrophages, Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition, Inhibition of Cellular Proliferation by Gleevec, mTOR Signaling Pathway, Multiple antiapoptotic pathways from IGF-1R signaling lead to BAD phosphorylation, NFAT and Hypertrophy of the heart (Transcription in the broken heart), Phosphoinositides and their downstream targets., Phospholipase C Signaling Pathway, Phospholipids as signaling intermediaries, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Ras Signaling Pathway, Regulation … 0.6741257 1.038
2540 ptenPathway_h BioCarta H003724_01 Info integrin, beta 1 (fibronectin receptor, beta polypeptide, antigen CD29 includes MDF2, MSK12) H003724_01 NM_002211 202661 ITGB1 Adhesion and Diapedesis of Lymphocytes, Adhesion Molecules on Lymphocyte, Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation, Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation, B Cell Survival Pathway, Cells and Molecules involved in local acute inflammatory response, Eph Kinases and ephrins support platelet aggregation, Erk and PI-3 Kinase Are Necessary for Collagen Binding in Corneal Epithelia, Erk1/Erk2 Mapk Signaling pathway, Integrin Signaling Pathway, mCalpain and friends in Cell motility, Monocyte and its Surface Molecules, PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, Ras-Independent pathway in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity, Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing, uCalpain and friends in Cell spread, cell_signaling, immunology, metastasis 0.9378203 0.993

Date and time of the analysis:

Name of the project file: SSc PBC.xls

Time of the analysis: Sun May 06 14:48:57 2007

BRB-ArrayTools Version: 3.6.0 – Beta_1 (May 2007)

Filtering parameters:

Spot Filters:

Exclude the spot if the Spot Flag contains any of the following values: 0

Normalize (center) each array using lowess smoother.

Exclude a gene under any of the following conditions:

Percent of data missing or filtered out exceeds 25 %

Gene Subsets: OFF