Our Team

Who You Will See

Our team collaborates to provide coordinated interdisciplinary care. You may interact with some or all members during a visit. Please tell us your goals and if you wish to see certain providers.

Movement Disorder Neurologist
Board-certified, fellowship-trained physicians who specialize in the brain and treat conditions like HD.

Fellows and Residents
Physicians who have graduated from medical school and are completing additional training in neurology.

Physician who specializes in the brain and treats mental health and behavior changes related to HD.

Licensed PhD psychologist who specializes in the relationship between the brain and behavior. Provides testing to identify changes in thinking or memory caused by HD, and give recommendations. Provides mental health assessment for genetic testing.

Genetic Counselor
Certified masters-level professional who has specialized education in genetics and testing. Provides information and counseling to help our patients understand the risks and benefits of testing, what to expect, and the results.

Social Worker
Licensed masters-level mental health providers who support patients and their loved ones on their journey with HD. Provides education, counseling, advocacy, advanced care and long-term care planning, and connection to resources.

Physical Therapist
Doctorate-level movement specialist who works with patients to improve mobility.

Medical Assistant
Allied health professional who supports the work of the team.

Research Faculty
MD and PhD scientists who conduct research to learn more about HD.

Research Coordinator
Masters or bachelors-level staff who carry out research by collecting data