UTMOVE Clinical Research

UTMOVE offers leading-edge observational and interventional studies. We hope to understand more about the underlying mechanisms of disease and develop novel disease-modifying therapies for movement disorders through research.

Some of our current trials include Parkinson’s Disease and Huntington’s Disease.

Study Principal Investigator Description Status
PSR: Post-Market Registry of the effectiveness of Medtronic market-released products Mya Schiess, MD Worldwide database with performance and safety information on Deep Brain Stimulation. Recruiting

Mya Schiess, MD and Elsa Rodarte, MD

This home-based study is a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of a single infusion of zoledronic acid for the prevention of fractures in subjects with Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism. Recruiting
Open-Label Phase 4 Study of CREXONT® (Carbidopa and Levodopa) Extended-Release Capsules in Parkinson’s Disease Patients


Mya Schiess, MD Phase IV open-label study recruiting patients with Parkinson’s Disease who experience “Off” periods to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CREXONT® in a real-world setting, focusing on improving the duration of “On” time. Site activation
Bemdaneprocel (human embryonic stem cell [hESC]-derived midbrain dopaminergic [mDA] neuronal cells) for the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s Disease Mya Schiess, MD Phase III clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Bemdaneprocel, a therapy using midbrain dopaminergic neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells, for treating Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Site activation
An Exploratory Study of the Potential for Rational Immune System Manipulation to Prevent Emergence of Synucleinopathy (PRISMS) Manifestations in Persons with REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) Mya Schiess, MD To assess the ability of adalimumab as compared to placebo to reduce or prevent progression of synuclein-related neurodegeneration in persons with idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) Site activation
Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells a disease-modifying therapy for idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Phase III Mya Schiess, MD A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Phase III of allogeneic bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a disease-modifying therapy for idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Planning phase
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation as a disease-modifying therapy for idiopathic Parkinson’s disease Herbert Dupont, MD Mya Schiess, MD A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation as a disease-modifying therapy for idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Planning phase
A Natural History Analysis of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder as Prognostic for Parkinson’s Disease Mya Schiess, MD Prospective longitudinal biomarker study is looking at different alpha-synucleinopathies including REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) as a prodromal condition for patients with Multiple system atrophy (MSA), Lewy Body dementia (LBD) and Parkinson’s Disease. Ongoing, not recruiting
UCB-PD-0055 Mya Schiess, MD A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, Phase 2a study with oral UCB0599 in participants with early Parkinson’s. Ongoing, not recruiting

For more information about these trials, please contact [email protected] 713-500-8914 or Juan D. Martinez Lemus [email protected] or 713-500-7064

Study Principal Investigator Description Status
TEMPO-001 Raja Mehanna, MD A Phase 3, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, 27-week trial to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of two fixed doses of Tavapadon. Ongoing, not recruiting
TEMPO-004 Raja Mehanna, MD Open-label PD trial for TEMPO-001. Ongoing, not recruiting

For more information about these trials, please contact [email protected] or  713-486-3134

Study Principal Investigator Description Status
Change-HD Erin Furr Stimming, M.D. Observational study to evaluate brain development in individuals with a family history of HD. Participants are ages 6-30 that have a parent or grandparent who has tested positive or diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease qualify. Participants do not need to know their gene status. Recruiting
HD-Clarity Erin Furr Stimming, M.D. Study to generate a high-quality cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample collection for evaluation of biomarkers that will enable the development of novel treatments for Huntington’s disease. Recruiting
BLAAC-PD Erin Furr Stimming, M.D.

Shivika Chandra, M.D.

Black and African American Connections to Parkinson’s Disease (BLAAC PD) is part of the Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2). The study aims to learn more about gene changes that may cause Parkinson’s in Black and African American people. Recruiting
uniQure Erin Furr Stimming, M.D. To demonstrate safety and tolerability of AMT-130 when delivered directly to the brain by evaluating changes in safety parameters out to 5 years post AMT-130 treatment in genetically confirmed, early manifest HD patients. Recruiting
DIMENSION study (Sage 718-CIH-201) Erin Furr Stimming, M.D. A study to evaluate the effect of SAGE-718 on cognitive function in Huntington’s Disease (HD). Study is 9x in-person visits, approximately 4 months in duration. Recruiting
SURVEYOR study (Sage 718-CIH-202) Erin Furr Stimming, M.D. A 28-day study to evaluate the effect of SAGE-718 on cognitive performance and functioning capacity (including the use of a driving simulator) in participants with early Huntington’s disease (HD). Study is 6x in-person visits, 2.5 months in duration. Recruiting
tDCS for HD Erin Furr Stimming, M.D. An open-label clinical trial to assess feasibility, acceptability, and safety of home-based transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for patients in the early to middle stages in Huntington’s disease (HD). The study period is 8 weeks. Recruiting
KINECT-HD2 Erin Furr Stimming, M.D. Open-label rollover study for continuing valbenazine administration for the treatment of chorea associated with Huntington’s Disease. New patients who did not complete the KINECT-HD study can also participate, after a screening visit. Recruiting
Enroll-HD Erin Furr Stimming, M.D. Worldwide observational study for Huntington’s disease families. It monitors how the disease creates changes over time. Recruiting

For more information about these trials, please contact

[email protected] or 713-500-7763

Research Coordinators:

Juan Martinez Lemus M.D.

Robert Ritter, III, MA

Jamie Sims, BS, CCRP

Brittany J. Duncan, BS