Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery Introduces Special Offers for Comprehensive Facial Aesthetic Services

December 1, 2023

Katherine Kao and Tang HoIn a move towards broadening accessibility to facial rejuvenation, the Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery has introduced year-end specials aimed at individuals interested in enhancing their natural features. Tang Ho, MD, MSc chief of facial plastic surgery and associate professor at McGovern Medical School (part of UTHealth Houston) says, “The center offers a full range of facial aesthetic products and services from minimally invasive options to surgical procedures, and this is a time of the year where we see increased interest for many of our minimally-invasive services.”

Dermal Fillers: Seamless Transformation Fit for Any Occasion
Dermal fillers are non-surgical cosmetic treatments designed to restore volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. These injectables provide a natural-looking plumpness to areas that may have lost elasticity over time. Whether softening lines, augmenting lips, or restoring cheek volume, dermal fillers offer a versatile solution for those seeking a refreshed and more youthful appearance. The Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery’s skilled practitioners ensure a precise and artful application, tailoring the treatment to each individual’s unique facial anatomy.

As part of the time-limited offerings, the center is providing a reduced cost on dermal fillers. This initiative aims to make transformative experiences more accessible, allowing individuals to revitalize their appearance seamlessly.

Vampire Facial: Harnessing Your Own Innate Rejuvenation Power
The Vampire Facial involves the application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate collagen production and promote tissue regeneration. A small amount of your blood is drawn, processed to concentrate the platelets, and then applied topically or injected into the skin. This technique encourages cellular renewal, tightens pores, and enhances skin texture, resulting in a natural and radiant complexion. The Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery employs advanced techniques to ensure the utmost comfort and effectiveness during the Vampire Facial procedure.

The Vampire Facial, known for harnessing the body’s natural healing mechanisms, is being offered at a special year-end rate. This treatment promises a radiant glow that transcends conventional beauty norms.

PDO Thread Facelift: Rediscover Youth
The PDO (Polydioxanone) thread facelift is a non-surgical procedure designed to lift, tighten, and rejuvenate the skin. Unlike traditional facelifts that require extensive incisions and downtime, PDO thread facelifts involve the strategic placement of dissolvable threads beneath the skin’s surface. These threads not only provide an immediate lift but also stimulate collagen production, contributing results that can last longer than other minimally invasive facial rejuvenation options such as botox and fillers.

Its minimally invasive nature, short recovery time, and natural-looking results make it an attractive option for those seeking a non-surgical solution to facial rejuvenation. With the PDO thread facelift, individuals can confidently embrace the journey to rediscovering their youth with minimal disruption to their busy lives.

Laser Skin Resurfacing: Personalized Approach with a First-Time Discount
Laser skin resurfacing is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that employs laser technology to address various skin concerns. This treatment targets wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, and irregularities in skin texture. The laser stimulates collagen production, promoting the growth of new, healthier skin cells. The Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery offers personalized laser resurfacing treatments, tailoring the intensity and focus of the laser to address specific concerns. The result is smoother, more evenly toned skin, achieved through a precise and controlled approach to rejuvenation.

Clients opting for laser skin resurfacing can benefit from a 20% discount on their first retreatment. This initiative emphasizes a personalized approach to cater to those striving for specific skincare results.

Affordable skincare and nutraceuticals
The center is extending a 30% discount on premium skincare products and nutraceuticals. This gesture is aimed at making high-quality formulations more accessible for those looking to nurture their skin.

As the year concludes, interested individuals are encouraged to consider these offerings at The Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery to take advantage of the limited-time year-end specials offered for the various minimally-invasive services. The center invites individuals to explore personal enhancements without the traditional promotional flair. Book an appointment to explore these options and embrace personal transformations.

Dr. Ho and W. Katherine Kao, MD (assistant professor at UTHealth Houston) are the physicians for The Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery. In addition to the above minimally-invasive services, both physicians also provide a full spectrum of aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries of the face and neck.

These special prices are only available to patients who confirm treatments before December 31, 2023.

For more information about the Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, please visit our website.

To make an appointment, please visit www.ent4.me/facialplasticsurgery or call 713-486-5019 for an appointment.

Schedule an Appointment

Patients can schedule an appointment over the telephone (713-486-5000), by booking directly onto physician schedules online, and through MyUTHealth, our patient portal.