Gulf States Pharmacy
The Gulf States Pharmacy is a specialty pharmacy that was established in 1995 to provide clotting factor and related products to the patients of The Gulf States Hemophilia and Thrombophilia Center through a federal-discount program. This program, referred to as the 340B Drug Pricing Program, requires that the money generated be used only to maintain and enhance comprehensive care at a Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC), which means better care for you and your family.
Why Choose Gulf States Pharmacy?
- Factor and supplies can be shipped directly to a patient’s home or office, or can be picked up at the pharmacy.
- Pricing is competitive, and care is seamlessly coordinated with the HTC.
- In-house pharmacy stocks a wide variety of factor products in different assays to meet each patient’s needs.
- Ordering is easy.
In addition to supplementing some staff time and benefits, revenues from Gulf States Pharmacy directly support invaluable services like patient and family education; Camp Ailihpomeh; medical, nursing, social work and physical therapy; outreach clinics; genetic testing and dental evaluations.
If you would like further information about our services or would like to place an order for factor, please contact us at 1-800-464-1440.
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340B || Patient Profile || Infusion Logs