Kidney Transplant

The pediatric kidney transplant program is a joint effort by UT Health Houston and the Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital. Our pediatric transplant program performs 6 kidney transplants a year on average with well over 100 pediatric kidney transplants since our start in 1977. Our program is nationally recognized as a leader in immunosupression research, pioneering the clinical use of the medications cyclosporine and rapamycin. In 2011 a new era in transplantation at Memorial Hermann Hospital/UTHealth began under the directorship of J. Steve Bynon, MD, a nationally-recognized leader in abdominal organ transplantation. We are proud to offer a professional and experienced team of physicians and support staff committed to providing compassionate care throughout the transplantation process.


The pediatric kidney transplant program has 100% survival over the last three years. Kidney transplant graft and patient survival are consistently equal to or better than national averages reported in the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients.

Patient-Centered Approach

Patients are evaluated by a multi-disciplinary team including pediatric nephrologists, pediatric kidney coordinator, specialists in Social Work, Nutrition, Psychiatry and Child Life and other medical pediatric specialists as necessary. Our evaluations are done as outpatients over a 2-3 day period at the Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital Transplant Clinic. If an in-patient evaluation is necessary the patient is admitted to the Nephrology in-patient service.


Division of Immunology and Solid Organ Transplantation

Medical Director: J. Steve Bynon, MD

Division of Pediatric Nephrology, End Stage and Transplantation

Medical Director: Samhar I. Al-Akash, MD

Make an Appointment: 713.704.3314 or 713.704.5200