
Dr. Baumler has been the lead statistician on numerous multi-site longitudinal studies in multiple areas, including dating violence prevention, youth risk behavior, vaccination uptake, and cancer prevention screening. Dr. Baumler has led the design and analysis of many studies using complex data sets evaluated as randomized controlled trials. Her research interests focus on using multilevel modeling to evaluate intervention effectiveness in school, clinic, and community-based studies, as well as integrating qualitative research to refine and inform complementary quantitative analyses. Dr. Baumler has a history of successful collaboration with multiple research teams from many different disciplines. She is passionate about the need for effective communication and presentation of statistical analyses and interpretations to audiences with a limited research background. At UTHealth, Dr. Baumler is the Director of Biostatistics for the Center for Violence Prevention and maintains a full research portfolio funded by NIH, NIJ, CDC, and the State of Texas.


PhD, Biostatistics
UT Health School of Public Health
MS, Mathematics
Texas A&M – Commerce
BS, Mathematics
Texas A&M - Commerce

Areas of Interest

Research Interests

  • Interpersonal Violence
  • Youth Risk Behaviors
  • Multilevel modeling
  • Clustered Randomized Controlled Trials